I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

You still going on about that participation list?

We haven’t raided in awhile, so it’s hard to say. I tend to parse blue, though, so I couldn’t say all the factors that went into what you’re seeing.

Why should druid have to die for them?

If you want me to educate you on what “vote with your feet” means you’re going to need to pay in advance. But you denying facts doesn’t make you right. This is a universal truth.

They don’t have to die for them. They should just die in general. On principle.

I mean at that point it could be multiple things.

Like if your kill timers are long then that can affect a parse as well

Your principles suck.

Sounds good.

You’re still trying to peddle participation as an argument against viability.

Both Bm and shadow are strong.

If 8 people play bm and 2 play shadow that doesn’t make shadow magically not viable.

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I mean, we both agree there’s way too many factors to try and figure it out atm.

It would be one thing if we raided last night and I could say “oh this and this.” I honestly just have no idea.

I just know I tend to parse blue when it matters. We’re mostly a “funsy” sort of raid. We’ve pushed into Mythic for the first time in SL and we made a little bit of progress … WITHOUT EVEN HAVING A MAGE. We’re that kind of group.

So… I’m not going to worship at the alter of what “my pahhhhhrases” are telling you. It’s wildly misleading without having more info.

Yeah, of course. But your hyppotetical didn’t include what the participation rate is.

Shadow is strong, played or not. But if it’s strong it’s going to be played. Every time you try and make an argument you’re exposing your lack of understanding here.

What OP spec is not on that list?

There’s nothing wrong with that either. The game is supposed to be fun. I also kinda jumped in mid conversation so I’m not sure what was said. I was just trying to offer some help.

So I looked at both your mythic kills and saw two big things that are holding your damage back and neither are in your control.

1: no enhance shaman. Wind fury totem is like crack for arms warriors and is a major contributor to their damage.

2: no monk debuff. This is also really good for all melee and is also a contributing factor.

Also if you guys are doing the 18-2 strat for eye over the 10/10 strat then it’s also going to be very difficult to parse just because of fight duration.

Also parsing on prog bosses isn’t something to really stress. As long as you got the kill that’s what matters.

What you’re not understanding is participation doesn’t affect viability.

Both bm and shadow are strong. However shadow isn’t very strong in 2s meaning they will have a much lower participation level than BM. Doesn’t mean they aren’t viable.

We were doing the 10/10. Then New World came and the raid mostly caved. We were successful is just picking up randos, for just random players everyone was really good… it’s just, as a “funsy” guild we only raid 2 nights, 3 hours a night. And when you spend 60-90 mins each night just GETTING those people… you basically lose all raid time when you don’t raid that much to begin with.

And yes, lack of an EnhS was teh suk. :frowning:

No monk DEBUFF? What’s this? Like an armor debuff that helps our damage? This doesn’t sound familiar to me.

Lastly-- yes. Our guild stresses as hard as we can not to focus on parses, but KILLS. It’s one thing if you’re not playing well and need to improve, but too many people focus on parses and not MECHANICS.

Where are you getting these numbers from again

I feel the pain man. We just lost half our raid team for the second time this tier. Now looking for a guild to merge with.

Yeah. When we finally got one our dps warriors dps jumped and made a huge difference.

Monk: Mystic Touch - Your damage weakens the target, increasing Physical damage taken by 5%.

This is also true. We had a warrior tank we kicked out of the team because he only gemmed for damage and never used defensives. Like 1 or 2 ignore pain on entire pulls.

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Can confirm.

Currently dead last in M+ DPS representation last I checked. No point in playing feral when there are specs that can do everything Feral does and then some. Also they compete directly with boomy which has ALL the utility Feral has and more (innervate, treants), is range, does spread AoE, and does more overall damage.

I would say the spec is in a pretty bad spot. Unless you have a group that doesn’t care what you play, you’ll have an impossibly hard time finding a legitimate group.

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Tanks are well distributed in M+. DHs are better in RBGs for tanking and flag running.

Druids see ok for healing, but in raids and M+ there are a couple better healers, especially for damage reduction.

You sound like maybe you should learn about your and other classes a bit more.

Arenamates - the 3s bracket

Better than Guardian? No. It’s not even an opinion anymore. This is canon.

I’d read the thread before posting.

It doesn’t affect it. It reflects it.

And again not true.

Shadow priests are very strong and viable yet arent as high as BM /facepalm

IDK why I am even arguing with someone that has a 42% win rate at 1500

Yeah lets all just cry for nerfs for other people’s classes. That’s very productive and doesn’t destroy the game.

I want every class other than druid to be in the dumpster and lit on fire please, thanks!