I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

Look, I know it hurts that nobody cares about your content. It stings.

Not flexing anything. he brought up my experience so I put him in his place. That’s all

No one druid spec has access to every single ability you’ve listed here, as three of them are granted through affinities. Incap Roar, Typhoon, and Ursol’s are all affinity based abilities. A druid will only have two of those at any given time.

If I am resto, and I take bear affin, I only get incap roar and Ursol’s. Obviously I can have Bash and wild charge through talents, but as I’m pointing out, you having an entire list containing all of those abilities isn’t accurate as between Vortex, Typhoon, and Incap Roar, a druid will only ever have two at any given time.

Druid is fully capable of being countered provided your partner plays goalie for you, and I say that as a priest main. Sometimes your partner has to save you. If I’m in comms with my partner, and I call out “I’m bashed, I’m about to be cloned”, he has to do something about that, and he does.

If the druid takes mass root, he has no bash, which is the only way he can get the root beam off without casting something. If you’re fighting a boomkin and you see him hardcasting roots, you know the beam’s coming.

Druid’s are also the most hard countered by purging, and doing so completely ruins them because they’re so buff relient.

Again, I’m a priest main. I picked up druid this season as well. Druid is very good right now because of the meta, but not because their kit’s super overloaded. They’ve had the same kit for a long while now. It’s because of current number tuning and power creep via conduits giving them CDR on very impactful setup abilities and throughput.


His current 2k trumps your 2014 boosted 2200.

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LOL You sure did, man. I’m going to go play some WoW, you have fun proving to everyone on GD that you’re miserable to deal with.

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I wasn’t boosted. You can’t kill painsmith but I did. Guess I bought that too. Not sure why you got on your knees for this guy.

You should probably look at my rogues kill talleys. I’m 8/10 mythic :+1:

In fact you have one painsmith kill and I actually killed it pre nerf.

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Nah I just don’t let BUMS disrespect me. Yall need to watch how yall talk on here.

Probably shouldn’t brag about arena ratings you bought or a single painsmith kill you got after the nerf.

Just a suggestion.

You kill KT yet? Hmu when you do.

My guild has. I had to work that night.

Not too worried about it though not was I actually bragging about it.

Though you needing to wait till painsmith was nerfed is pretty hilarious.


I made a reasonable, and well-thought comment about the state of RBGs. You replied to me with a gargantuan amount of attitude, and as a result I’ve had you playing the role of a wind-up toy on the forums for an hour because your ego is hurt now.

Maybe you should watch how you talk on here, and none of this would have happened.

I figured out why Druids are so pampered and babied by Blizz. It’s because they have the largest playerbase. If they’re unappeased they stop playing and people who stop playing tend to unsub.

It’s the same reason why Monks are considered the red-headed stepchild class of WoW. They have the smallest community so Blizz doesn’t care as much. There are probably more Boomkins in the game than the entire Monk class.

Not bragging just reminding you to watch your mouth lmao.

Don’t care I’m talking about YOU. Don’t give me excuses. Come back to me when YOU kill it.

Ignore them. Looking at his guilds progress on warcraft logs dude shouldn’t be bragging about anything pve or pvp related

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Bruh your guild took 300+ pulls to kill painsmith :joy:.

You’re a bum bro stop driding :joy: :joy: :joy:

8/10 talking back to me imagine

What’s your point? We’re further progressed than YALL LMFAO

Pretty big number you chose there to sell your point lol

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Bro your guild isn’t that good.

You have 60+ More pulls and have a higher percentage best than we do on Sylvanus :joy: