I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

Nobody cares thats not good lmfao.

Nah. You replied to me so lets talk about. You know I’m right. You can’t refute anything I said that’s why you went after my experience. We don’t care about rbgs here.

It’s a pve game first. There’s always a meta stop WHINING.

New Oscar the Grouch based druid form?


You came at me thinking you were going to check mate me by telling me to ‘go do real PVP,’ when you’ve never done any worth mentioning. So I pointed out that I do, in fact, do arena since you brought it up.

I went after your experience because you went after mine. Just unfortunately for you, you’ve basically played a season of little league and are walking around with a big league attitude and made a fool of yourself.

What’s there to refute? Your only argument is ‘I DoNt CaRe AbOuT rBg PlAyErS sO tHe CoNtEnT dOeSnT dEsErVe BaLaNcInG.’

It’s not my fault you’ve got a bloated ego and no manners. Maybe speak to people better to avoid embarrassment next time?

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I’ve reached 2200. You haven’t. What are you talking about you bum :joy: :joy: :joy:

Now who’s embarrassed?

Well, since you really wanted me to take a look at your account; all of your PVP achievements are days apart from each other–followed by you never doing it again. Interesting…

Pretty sure that’s still going to be you.

Anyway, care to rephrase your argument into something logical before I stop paying attention to you struggling to stay afloat, boosty?


What’s your point? I didn’t like where PvP went after mop. I still got to a rating you’ve never SNIFFED.

There’s no need to. I’ve only spoken the TRUTH. You haven’t made a single decent point, because you can’t. Nice talk kid.

The voice of someone who wants to see the game improved, Ladies and Gentleman.

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I thought pointing out that you never PVP’d a day in your life, then suddenly getting your first 1550 and 1800 achievements, then first 2k and 2200 achievements days apart, followed by never PVPing again was fairly evident.

But since you’re not displaying an abundance of intelligence here I’ll try plain English: that means you bought it 99% of the time.

I said only having one viable class for FCing causes issues for everyone doing the content. You responded with ‘I don’t care about RBGs, it deserves no attention.’ Who isn’t making decent points here? Lol

Oh man, pulling out the big guns on me. Lol Next you’ll be threatening to fite me IRL. xD


Wow you are SO hateful of me and my brethren its sad. This game will be just FINE with how rbg balance is rn.

Doot de doo Druids are Balanced
we even have a spec called Balance


Omg…It should be illegal to be THIS stupid. Hate to break it to you, but I didn’t buy it. Maybe you should though, because you’re stuck at 2k LMAO

Right now it has RBGs and it’s not fine. Why would removing content improve things?

Wait…Birds - Did you buy a PVP boost?

Did you reach 2200 in RBGs or arenas?

I don’t especially care about the state of RBGs, or the state of raiding, but if someone brought up a game-issue that had a resolution to improve the content for others I can’t think of a good reason me, or anyone else would be opposed to it getting some attention.

I would be baffled by that guy’s adamant spite towards something that he doesn’t even concern himself with save for this post, but playing since BC I’ve unfortunately dealt with people like him/her before. The game attracts all kinds, bless his heart.

Nah. This priest is an idiot. “Never pvped a day in my life” When I first started playing WoW, all i did was random bgs. Look at my achieves you should be able to tell.

That was too hard for him tho, like breaking 2k

I am? That’s news. Lol Good to see you stopped breathing into your bag long enough for a come back.

You think up a logical argument other than ‘BECAUSE I SAID SO’ yet, while you’re at it?

2.2 in 3s. 2k in rbgs.

You’re mad and bad kid

Astonishing. Another Nobel-worthy thought from the mind of… Birds.

At best you’re flexing on achievements earned in 2014.

At worst your flexing on achievements made after being boosted.

You honestly look like you purchased a t2 boost.

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