I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

Yes, but one of us isn’t in on the joke.

i get it, Wrath was the DK expansion, but I kinda hoped for a revival. The whole Maw Intro thing. Then it was suddenly...druids can mount. Convoke your way to Torghast gladiator megastar. DH got theirs in Legion. Warlocks won BFA via choas bolt. Where's the DK love in the afterlife? I should have at least gotten a speed buff. But nope. Chopped liver

I love when a class gets nerfed into the ground and we Enhancement Shamans go “See, now you know how it feels…”


im pretty sure only guardian has instant rebirth.

That is correct, Guardian is the only spec that can cast it at instant speed, but I did list a second condition there - being able to cast Rebirth in your default shapeshift form. Feral is the only Druid spec that needs to leave form in order to brez, which essentially lengthens the cast time by one GCD as you need to swap back to cat when you’re done.

I’m confused on this. Druids follow the same DR rules as everybody else. What’re you discussing?

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I’m guessing u didn’t play bfa guardian and feral were trash and balanced was well balanced pretty well. Resto was strong will say. Resto did fall off pretty quick afterwards though in late season 3 and season 4 when compared too paladin.

They have enough abilities that don’t DR within themselves to avoid DR’s altogether if they rotate them correctly, and can keep a player constantly out which is not something any other class can do. The only other one I can think of is really rogue, but even they eventually get DR’s and have to “reset” by re-stealthing. That was the point I was trying to articulate sorry.

Wild Charge > Stun > Inc Roar > Ent.+Solar > Typhoon > Vortex > Cyclone > And everything is reset again so rinse/repeat.

None of those abilities DR with each other, and I haven’t even mentioned more spec specific ones, like the extra stuns Feral has or things like their Disarm.

It’s a very incredible toolkit, IMO that most of the other classes are not even close to having. I could be wrong, but it feels a bit excessive when you top it off with shifting out of any root, and a DASH, and a stealth, and amazing DPS, and tank level armor and defensives… you see how it keeps stacking? lol

The learning curve to master is SUPER high, I know… but good druids are scary druids more so than other classes IMO. And yes, that is coming from a Holy Paladin

instead of asking lets nerf this class/spec into the dirt lets ask to make everyone better

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I would like Shamans to be trash next expansion. Toxic class. I heard they get their powers from sacrificing baby seals.

That’s our secret, Cap, we’ve always been trash.

We’ve been trash before. We will be trash again. Blizzard loves to swing from one extreme to another. Especially with Druids.

Up, Down, Up, Down… The cycle will repeat.


Druids have always been the golden child of wow, they have four specs and at least one is guaranteed to be good at something. All shadowlands did was put all their flaws on full display with the power issues they have. Along with showing how broken they can be when players abuse them to death. Like I remember back in 9.0 when I was doing RGB’s for PvP gear before they nerfed it into the ground for PvE. I used to use my aura mastery with concentration aura to make them immune to interrupts. Just so they could turret people down with convoke. It was just so broken and absurd honestly, although now they use other covenants given how players have made entire WA’s to counter it instantly.

I hope they pull away from borrowed power in 10.0, as it’s just been a major point of contention with classes and spec’s.

NO it hasn’t. Getting GLOBALED has been a thing since wrath. It has NOTHING to do with “borrowed power”.

Alright, let’s pick another class, Paladin maybe since they can fill all roles as well. We will make them great so we can have a thread in 10.0 :slight_smile:

BFA: Nerf DH
SL: Nerf Druids
10.0: Nerf Paladins :slight_smile:

People who do RBGs? Lol What you have right now is a total monopoly, which not only excludes other classes from getting to play their preferred role, but also creates quite a lot of wait in LFG looking for one.

Just because you don’t PVP doesn’t make something so obviously in need of change a non-issue.

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My theory on why certain classes are better than others is because of their popularity. I think blizzard knows what’s played the most and gives those players priority. Also, they like to lure people into playing certain things by making them stronger for a time. Then they patch their strength to make you reroll and stay subbed another 6 months.

Just some thoughts I’ve had.

NOBODY cares about them. Not me, not Blizzard, and 99% of this forum. RBGs are a JOKE. Get into the arena. That’s REAL pvp.

Don’t wanna do that? SIT in that que and wait for a bear or roll one yourself. You aren’t the only ones waiting in a que.

I only have 4 toons above 2k in arena this season, compared to your one time rival years ago and 20 honor levels–showing you basically never PVP. Maybe go talk about something you’re qualified to have an opinion on if you want to be spiteful and ignorant?

RBG players don’t deserve consideration because you say so… what an ego. Lol


Druids have Thrash. That’s one more letter than trash. Blizzard even gives more than you ask for and you still complain.

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