I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

No they aren’t.

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My druid still sucks and I still need to learn proper dpsing as well
as best stats.

:point_up_2: what he said :stuck_out_tongue:

Please don’t give Blizzard any ideas…

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I agree, Nerf DH.

I mean… it’s usually Arms. Just nerf Arms guys, I’m sure they’ll do fine.

In all fairness, convoke can feel REALLY cheap sometimes.

But yeah OP is clearly a salty lad.

Oh by all means. I was leveling up my Prot Warrior just last week with war mode on and got deleted by a laser chicken I never even saw…the joys of war mode + flying lol.

Just charging along and then I was a lost wandering soul lol

Sounds like OP should just play a druid and get over themselves.

druids are neglected though like us boomkins for example. i want another moonkin form or like customizable boomchika

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Sorry, but I AM eSports.

Emotional Damage!

I like how whenever someone makes one of these Druid-bashing posts they always forget that Feral exists.

It’s okay. A lot of the time Blizzard forgets we exist too.

You’re telling us Feral is bad?

Considering the only reason druids are doing well at all is due to borrowed power. They and many classes specs are going to feel like absolute trash unless blizz starts fixing them into working stand alone class specs again.

This only effects Druids?

I honestly wouldn’t know. I don’t keep tabs on the meta that much since I don’t think there’s much point in obsessing over it. But I do know enough about the meta to know that when the OP rails against “Druid DPS…” he means Boomkin. Feral rarely gets a mention.

Speaking personally, I have no issues with Feral’s damage or rotation. I really only have two main sticking points with it and both are related to how it feels like the afterthought spec.

The first is that when they made much of Druid utility class-wide, Boomkin got our Stampeding Roar but we didn’t get Innervate. So Balance has all the exact same utility spells Feral does plus Innervate on top of that.

The second is that out of all four Druid specs, Feral is the only one that both has a cast time for Rebirth and cannot cast it in our default form. Meaning we’re impacted more than the other three Druid specs when we use our battle rez. In the past we used to be able to use it with Predatory Swiftness and I’d like to see that return.

EDIT: Oh wait, you are the OP. You think Feral is OP? I’m both surprised and flattered.

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You conveniently cut off right as I stated “they AND OTHER CLASS SPECS”

why you pulling things out of context? Thats called cherry picking. :confused:

I literally state covenant powers are whats carrying many classes and specs. Hunters are in that boat too. But from what many say boomy onlu does well in venture 3min CD then tank damage…feral does well with convoke and st but aoe its bottom.

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I stopped at the period. If if effects other classes, why single out Druids in its own seperate sentence? Subconciously, you’re a Druid apologist. Save your propoganda for the shepple, Cow. I’ll hear none of it!

We’re still talking about a video game, right?