You are going to have to explain to the class how wanting a healer spec nerfed is going to make things better in regards to the healer shortage.
You could remove Evokers tomorrow and healing in SS would be just as painful to heal as it is now. And if you doubt me, all I can say is simply “Go try it”.
Did you read all of my post?
Please see above.
I’m citing Evoker for the reasons I said in the OP. But the disparity of all healers is a problem. But you knew that. As for Druids, you can’t say I haven’t advocated for them to get nerfs:
“wHaT aRe yOu tAlKiNg aBoUt tHuNdAh, dRuIdS aRe bAd iN tHe cOnTeNt i dO!!@!”
I’m tired of this class getting everything and it makes class diversity a joke.
Hey, do you need a tank? Here’s one that’s easy to play, easy to heal, and has great HP! RBGs? Great news! You’re the only tank.
Healers - when was a Druid bad? And for you Druid mains, bad does not equal second place.
Damage - you know what your biggest problem is? Perception! People just think you’re bad. Never mind that you’re feature…