Id argue that reducing M+ difficulty is best for the longevity of the game

there was no affix combo that was harder than having tyrannical, fortified and then at 12 another 10% health and damage while taking away all the benefits of the previous affixes. so no its adds a significant hurdle to overcome to be able to push.

just say you are to lazy to go look it up yourself. mr equal opertunity does not equal outcomes…like go watch some more ben Shapiro lmao

I always enjoy break the meta week and seeing comps of 5 “bad” specs still end up timing keys usually 2 levels below the highest for the season.

You can play anything and don’t worry about rerolling in DF S1. There were very very few specs that were not viable in DF S1.

Blizzard pretty much wiped a line they drew in DF S2. Exodia comp makes +20 feel like a +14-15. Exodia boxing out all specs other than Exodia specs in M+. They didn’t do anything with Exodia comp because they had esports events in months. They nerfed Exodia specs many times but these nerfs were a slap on the wrist.

Oh, wait… The Raider io leaderboard was completely borked and the top end of the leader was untouchable. They had to nerf the high Mythic+ keys and softly reset the leaderboard.

Do you think Blizzard solved these? No, exodia comp was the best comp by miles. I haven’t seen anything like this before since Legion. I can’t believe how DF S1 was the most balanced meta to the worst comp homogeneity of all time in DF S2. DF S3 and DF S4 were probably the top 5 worst M+ seasons.

SL S3 and S4 were similarly fixed comp. S1 and S2 weren’t necessarily fixed but there were heavy winners and losers when it came to spec choices.

The person making the claims should be the one providing evidence. The fact that you keep telling others to figure it out means you pulled it out of no where. Here, I can do the same. The data I found shows that you are objectively wrong, but you have to find it.


i told you where to find it you dont want to do that. thats fine we can agree to disagree i really dont care that much. or you can go on raider io and look at the season end and how diverse the specs are. about the only role that had a straight up meta was tank for pallys.

i told you where to go you just dont want to do it lol.

Just say you’re to lazy to Google, how to spell opertunity, like go watch some more Phonics commercials.

Be real, you’re upset because someone called you out. Instead to keep it shut you go ahead and “well oh ya…well, well…opertunity”

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Here we go again. Go back up the thread and read how idiotic you sound. Maybe you’ll rethink your incredibly insightful posts that are just bangers.

Hey gang, I honestly forgot about this post, so sorry for the lack of replies. Looks like it blew up a bit more than intended.

Many of you are missing the point of the entire post. Is it a little complain-y about the current difficulty of M+? Sure.

But that’s not what I’m trying to say here. Can +12’s be done? Sure. Can groups be formed (eventually)? Sure. Are plenty of people completing keys? Sure.

I am trying to say that the game has a high ceiling for new players in order to do mythics at all. High keys, low keys, …all keys. This post in a nutshell is about how there is a lack of incentive for new players to do keys. Personally, I feel that less difficulty = more players being able to engage with the content for a longer time… Does that mean giving away free mythic gear to people? No… not at all…

It means simple things like making interrupts being more impactful, creating better incentives to tank or heal, ect ect. If you are saying that the process of pugging a key right now is going to make new players want to stay and push through the slog… your insane haha. If we want this game to prosper (And hopefully retain a QA department…), then we want more players coming into the game and sticking around…

Comments like “Everything is fine because I can do it and if you want something else your a baby who wants free things” - Is frankly just ego boosting that is kinda sad to be honest with you.

If you are going to argue that M+ should remain as difficult as it is, or argue it should be more difficult… you could at least try to argue how that would bring in and retain new players… tell me how that would make pugging better… tell me how that would bring more healers and tanks into the pugging system… tell me how that addresses god comp issues…


thats the best part alot of people in here havnt even completed a 12 and yet they are sitting here saying nah nah nah its ok its sooo easy. ive said my piece about how they need to smooth out the difficulty between levels. people can keep their head in the sand if they want but its simply a fact that this is the worst season so far in difficulty spikes.

thats the best part they think its fine and that there are no issues therefore player retention should be perfectly fine even though m+ seems to be falling on its face.

Its been hour trying to get into a higher key and all I get is declined. I did form a group and no tank show up and my group fell apart. I am starting to lose interest of doing keys. I don’t see the point anymore, you can’t get into keys and keep telling you “get good”. The problem here is that you CAN’T get good because you’re not allow to get good no matter how hard you tried to raise your IO. Blizzard needs to stop catering to 5% elite players, they’re hurting this game.

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I thought it was the 1% elite players. No matter what Blizz does there will always be ‘meta’ groups as long as m+ is around. I’m quite certain in DF you didn’t complain playing your warlock, right? If you did play lock that is. I did and had no problem getting invited into groups.


If only you were playing a class that could tank.

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I’m sorry but no.

You have said you’re not saying this with regards to gear but it really can be the only thing you’re talking about since its the only thing that could be effected.

Unless you’re talking about gear then your claim is new players are upset that they might be able to one day clear a +14 instead of a +16? In an infinitely scaling system changing difficulty just slightly moves an arbitrary line. So either you’re saying that mythic track gear needs to be easier to get or you’re saying…nothing.

The fact is anyone playing can pretty easily get to item level 619 without ever leaving a mythic +4 which are extremely straight forward and easy to finish very quickly. If you’re at item level 619 and can’t get gilded crests from 8s or clear 10s then I’m really sorry but that is a skill issue, 619 is well past the point where its extremely difficult to clear a 10.

The reality is what most people are experiencing is the reality of playing DPS in a game where that is the least valuable role for the content they want to accomplish. An even half decent tank or healer can carry a key, even a 10. If you want the gear, portals, and achievements just roll a tank. You’ll have far more opportunity to run keys, if you run into a toxic group you can just leave and be in a new group in under 10 minutes, and you can very easily carry a key through sub par players.

There will always be a meta, there will always be people who cannot get the “best” gear, hell back in shadowlands you literally couldn’t get the best gear without going into mythic raids. So the majority of us who couldn’t do that just did mythic+ without the top level gear. If players want something to accomplish then there has to be a difficult line and there are going to be people who can’t get above that, good news is you’re denied no content by not having 639 gear, you can easily clear all the dungeons, clear heroic raid, get the portals, enjoy everything the game has to offer and you never have to set foot in the more hardcore part of the game…Why is that not a good thing?

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I read this somewere else, but I believe this is a good idea. keep the difficulty of the key it’s fine but give everyone an NPC that allows you to upgrade your key to 12. this will encourage people in this “Tier” to run their own keys and people be more open to accept people in their party. since there’s no lost of the key. the jump fom 11-12 it’s hard enough to be a challenge.

I’m a little torn over this argument. You can lump in crafted gear, and raising hero track gear into mythic levels, but that’s true of mythic raids too.

Excluding those parallels, there is a genuinely large disparity between picking one piece out of the vault and the potential for more than one item per boss for each boss you can clear.

I’m not commenting on whether it’s an appropriate amount from each source, or if change either way is necessary, just saying that pretending that you don’t have a much better chance at loot from mythic raiding feels like gaslighting.

There is some disparity certainly, but for the average guild reaching 4/8 M maybe this or last week, that’s an extra 16 items split between 25~ people. 12 prior to that, and 8 prior to that.

I don’t think a semi deterministic gearing path opening up for mythic+ is necessarily off the table, but it would need to be significantly more difficult / less generous than the suggestions people keep making.

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Just to muddy the waters a bit more, I’ve had mythic vault slots from M+ since week one but each week I got a rare piece of heroic raid loot that I felt compelled to take.

That’s not a complaint, especially since the pieces are probably on par with some mythic loot, but it does highlight another potential obstacle to earning loot from M+.

Maybe I’m actually complaining about very rare loot being so good that it basically commands its item slot and dictates my loot choices, rather than leaving me free to pick ilvl upgrades. It’s an odd complaint, but maybe part of a larger concern that between crafted main and off-hand, 4 tier pieces and and very rare items, the only slots that I’m really in control of are belt, bracers and boots.

It feels like there’s far less flexibility or avenues through which you can gain gear parity this season. I don’t know that it was much better before, but it certainly feels more claustrophobic this tier.

Where did I ever say or elude to it wasn’t? I just pointed out the blatant false claims.