We already did. It’s seems the only time you enjoyed M+ was when it was the easiest it was in it’s entire history.
Post data.
We already did. It’s seems the only time you enjoyed M+ was when it was the easiest it was in it’s entire history.
Post data.
really show me what when that was lmao because i guarantee that you don’t know what my favorite season was.
go look it up yourself its on raider io
You made the claim it’s your job to back it up.
go look it up i really dont care. if you think the forums is going to let me post a bunch of charts and links then your out of your mind.
You sure seem to care cause you keep trying to defend your position.
I also didn’t tell you to post a bunch of links. You can pull numbers without doing so.
of course im going to defend my position but not enough to write out an essay about something that isnt widely debated. you can go look for yourself or not thats the part i dont care about. if you care enough about this then go look. if you dont then dont. eithier way its not going to change my thoughts on the matter.
My raiding char’s overall ilvl is 619 currently. Because of occasional vault drops and the 15 gilded crests I guess i got from the vault (don’t see where else they came from) I was able to get my Heroic weap to 623 (Hero 7/8) this week.
The complaint here is about upgrading Hero gear. I’m okay never owning “real” Mythic gear and if Mythic gear started higher than Heroic gear’s max ilvl and was it’s own thing I wouldn’t be talking about this at all.
Gilded crests come from the last 2 bosses of heroic nerub ar palace, 15 each. Also from the last 2 bosses of heroic BRD if you’ve been in there. And if you do have 619 all slots you can buy 15 gilded crests a week for a cap of runed crests (Which you would no longer need).
Ok so gilded crests should come from +3 mythic dungeons?
Since that’s the first key level at which you get access to hero track.
No, I’m saying like:
<—Hero Gear----> <----Mythic Gear—>
No crossover. I shouldn’t need gilded to upgrade Heroic gear. If that means Mythic stage 1 is higher lvl than Hero max ilvl, fine.
So should the same be true for champion? 606 max, hero 619 max,
I’m more okay with that because it’s more the same mode with one or two twists. Your usual Heroic raid is “Normal but the puddles don’t evaporate after eight seconds” or “normal but with projectiles launching across the room”. Compare that to Mythic’s forced party size and instance-wide lockouts that resemble old classic.
Bellular had a video on his clips channel a few days ago about how Mythic Raid is kind of in this odd place because it’s sort of two raids in one as after the race is finished Blizzard nerfs it down for the general populace, and either it needs a rewards change where either it’s purely cosmetic or Mythic rewards are on their own entire tier, because it’s definitely a niche interest at this point. And maybe the racer version should stay in some sort of competition difficulty, like Destiny’s Contest Mode.
The gist of it though is that your average HC raider isn’t in Mythic for a reason, and it’s a reason that has mostly to do with systems than actual encounter design.
Except hero track doesn’t mean it came from a heroic raid, it could come from a number of sources, most of which detached from raiding completely.
I just don’t understand why it matters that your gear says 4/6 instead of 4/4 on it, especially when the resources to upgrade the item to 6/6 are within your grasp, albeit not as frequently as they would be if you did more difficult content.
Heroic also drops gilded crests. 24 of them per week. So you can infact level your hero gear to max.
That plus converting runed is 45 a week from heroic raid, given you should have been 619 all slots this week at the latest.
You say that when exodia comp existed in DF S2 is hilarious and DF S2 was 100% dead if you are not part of the exodia comp
And S1 was the most balanced season we’ve ever had, it was genuinely embarrassing how far we fell in the span of a few months.
Going from damn near every DPS, most healers, and most tanks being strong choices well into title range to godcomp or bust.
Even more than I thought then, Sorry haven’t done a H raid in a while now as mythic prog but that just sorta proves me point more that he is full of it saying he can’t upgrade.
That’s a blatant lie. h ttps://raider.io/characters/us/zuljin/Memb%C3%AArberry?season=season-df-2&tier=30 here is my main that season a non god comp non meta class/spec sitting with a 2.5k plus IO with timed keys at 22.
In a season where title was 28s and 29s 1100 score higher.
Things are always fine for any class combo at vault range.
Exactly. I don’t enjoy mplus and just do the bare min to keep up in the content I actually enjoy mythic raiding and not a single season exists where I haven’t reached to max reward goal for mplus and I actively avoid the meta specs/classes. So these complaints people make just don’t make any sense.