Id argue that reducing M+ difficulty is best for the longevity of the game

Good luck arguing this with Gen Z.


it feels the word “Divergence” is the kryptonite of Gen Z.

They don’t need to make M+ easier. In fact, M+ isn’t any harder than it was before.

The difference is you need to do higher levels to get the same rewards as before.


I mean even in DF Season 2 (the easiest season to gear via M+) you had 430ish keyholders opting to invite 445+ players over players at similar gear levels as them even late into the season. It will happen no matter what.


Doesn’t surprise me much.

nope thats just you being fixated on loot yourself.

there is no need for this. they dont need to make it easier they need to make the climb smoother. there is no need for these artificial jumps in difficulty between single key levels that is not how m+ should work and it takes away from the overall enjoyment of participating in m+.

one has guaranteed drops for mythic gear from up to 8 bosses pending you can clear the raid. the other has a single drop a week. they are more than balanced out. now if you were arguing about heroic and normal gear there might be something to be said but not for mythic gear.

it 100% is harder than it was before. they added hurdles in at level 10 and 12 to make it specifically harder to push. like that was their goal.

They also removed a heap too.

You really gunna sit here and pretend you can’t craft myth level gear by doing simple 8’s?

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not anywhere close to what they added in. unless you honestly want to tell me that adding fort and tyrannical together is somehow comparable to anything last season.

you got a problem with the crafting system then make a thread about it. i was talking about the gearing directly from m+.

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They absolutely nuked baseline boss scaling though at the same time. Tyrannical 20s in DF S1 had 4-5 minutes boss fights early on, meanwhile the longest we’ve been seeing in 10s is like 2:30.

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that’s fair for season 1 of dragon flight all though the balancing then was weird. but comparing to season 2 or 3 and you start getting similar boss fight times for 20 now well a 10 i guess you get what i mean lol

What is this “artificial” nonsense you are talking about? What is the point of key levels if the differences between them are un-noticeable? Blizzard even pointed that out as one of the key reasons for the squish so you saying how it “should work” is clearly not aligned with how they intend for it to work.


The key caveat is “clear the raid” which how many are doing exactly? Oh right, not many at all.

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Nothing affixes in comparison to sang, raging, bolstering and bursting. Removing these had made Mplus way easier. Aint nobody ever complained Fort was too hard and the Tyr complaints are 3 min boss fights are boring.

I don’t but crafted gear is directly related to mplus gearing as it gives gilded crests that are what you use for crafted gear so saying oh you are locked to 1 a week via vault is a blatant disingenuous lie.

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This week people have access to 5 636 crafted gear for doing +8s. Only 3 ilvls shy from max for tier.

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And those 3 ilvls are nothing in comparison to crafted engi piece with a tinker slot or the sigils available to add on crafted gear. I think I’m just tired of seeing people going

Pretending the gearing isnt the issue they have and then you keep reading and see this from them

Clearly lying about how the mplus gearing works to cover the fact that they do infact care about it

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The truth always comes out about wanting free/easy top tier loot.

Just caught someone lying in the Paladin sub-thread who tried to call me out for “over gearing” the content as the reason why I don’t need to drink by saying they are running 12s at 620. They aren’t running 12s and 625 lmao.

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It’s like people forget we have these cool tools like IO and logs to verify this kinda stuff lol. It’s ok I had a laugh when someone said the only reason I have no issue getting in 10 pugs is cause dev evoker is a “meta” class.


you are obsessed with this.

nope not one thing i said is a lie. crafting affects both raiding and m+ sorry that ruffles your feathers like i said if you have a problem with that portion of the system then make a thread about it.

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You are obsessed with trying to lower the ceiling so you can get easy loot.

How is this in anyway a counter to the argument? It’s not.


This you? You saying mplus only has 1 myth drop per week? A clear and blatant lie.

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