Id argue that reducing M+ difficulty is best for the longevity of the game

They can learn. Its like people forget that new players can do that.
If they instantly want too quite after failing m+ a few times because they are new then maaaybe they shouldnt bee playing the game.

I started in bfa after finding what i wanted too actually play i climbed up too 17s in season 2.
The game really isnt that hard compared too the vast majority of games out there.

People have been doing Tyrannical every week, it’s not like it magically got harder.

Also, 619 is enough to do +10s as evidence by all the people who did.


I don;t care about the difficulty of the Key. Honestly a plus 12 can be my ceiling and that would be fine with me, I can try to get better and go beyond. I am OKAY with difficulty, my problem is the lack of access to the content. unfourtanily me as a healer. Either I gear up a Rshaman or pug my own keys (which that’s fine, but In terms of convenience It’s not what I want) .

You get no invites if you are not meta +12. unless you have the content done, but at the same time how you can get the content done if you have no invites.

But it’s not just a out difficulty. It’s about what rewards go with what difficulty.

It’s not hard to understand. Blizzard felt it was too easy to get mythic gear so they increased the level of key you had to do in order to get mythic gear from the vault.

You can smooth the difficult by increasing the difficulty of lower keys.

We could always add half fortified and half tyrannical at a lower key level to smooth things out.

Say add half of the other tyrannical/fortified affix at 8 when glided crests kick in so going from 9 to 10 isn’t as bad because you’ll already be used to half the second affix.

But I doubt that’s what OP is actually looking for.

So why not move the portals up as well? As I was saying later in that comment, it would make more sense for portals to be at 12’s and for MV to be at 10. Gives people something more to work towards rather than just going to +10’s and stopping cause no rewards are beyond that

I can’t imagine how much of a mind blowing turn off this game would be to a new player.
Add-ons, multiple directions of gearing, gear tracks, so many different currency, a dungeon guide that doesn’t really explain things well. The list just keeps going on and on.
I think the UI/addons being the biggest turn off. Can you imagine telling someone brand new to the game, “Go get all these weakauras, tackers, macros, etc or you’re just a total noob.”
Yet, here we are. 20yrs has brought us to this point. I don’t think making M+ easier is the answer though. I think Healers should most likely be buffed so they have the tools to deal with all the bloat stuffed into these dungeons. Right now we have a small healer community, and it seems to be dwindling.

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Timing 10’s is not easy but doable. The threshold is definitely higher than it was in DF.

Also people need to start letting go of needing rewards for every level of gameplay. Make what we have already better.

And then you have people at ilvl 626+ start to apply and you have in no way to get into a group
 unless you are the key holder.

The keyholders hold all the risks, such as depleted keys (including 5 crests from depleted keys), Challenger’s Peril, and harder scaling. They want the minimum risks possible, which means they want to invite the meta specs.

For example, the keyholder has +10/11 Mists and would want an Enh because an Enh can shave 5+ minutes alone and handle the mechanics/affixes. What’s Enh’s best partner? FDK and Sin Rogue. Enh / FDK / Sin Rogue are the holy trinity of DPS for +10/11. Ret Paladin and Frost Mage are close.

Failing a key is very punishing and encourages the keyholders to be very safe with what they take. Blizzard needs to do something about the depletion key system.

my problem with MDI is that it’s constantly used as a standard when it’s degenerate horse-pucky game play.

Snapping mobs through walls instead of doing them the right way? I mean that’s an exploit

Death runs used to be a legititmate tool, now we can’t do that b/c we have an affix designed to punish us for it even though we’ve seen seeing this go on in MDI for how many years?

Mobs IMMEDIATELY casting stuff AFTER being stopped? Oh sorry
no the MDIers can do this but you plebs can’t–let’s change this even though it might not necessarily WORK with people’s kits

I mean cmon
wtf? If we arent’ allowed to play like MDI people, then for the love of the light , can we STOP making everyone think they have to do that or they’re “bad?” It’s just a huge catch-22 with mixed messages. I care more about the encounter, surviving it and making good decisions. Now i’m expected to juggle/balance between making stupid decisions for the groups timer (and not being concerned with my own survivability
i mean sorry but i play a tank and DONT like to die on trash
) or failing to time a super tight timer b/c I didnt want to give my healer or myself a coronary with every pull just to make some entitled DPS character get their jollies off big numbers.


Good thing there are no super tight timers until well above the point mythic+ stops awarding increased power. Timers get tighter if people start dying / aren’t performing to the standard a key is tuned around, but baseline they’re absolutely not tight.


You do sound like a fairly bad player. I feel like most people who complain about the state of the games difficulty come from this camp. The OP included.

What? I feel like I just got a brain aneurysm reading this?

I have been pretty much a consistent 3k RIO player for a few seasons on both a healer and tank. Although this doesn’t necessarily quantify me as good I think above average. The RIO statistics are pretty apparent that only 3% of the players have done all +11 and 7.8% of all players have done all +10. A typical season lasts 5-6 months so we have a good ways to go.
At this point, I have not timed all 10’s, only in 1 fact, bricked plenty on the way. But I think the core point of this post isn’t necessarily caring about new players - but all players. I went from a person that would time a couple 25’s a season, 12-15’s in DF season 4 to right now having a hard time doing 10’s with the same folks I have played with for 3 years.
We all make our mistakes and do dumb things equally but the ramping in difficulty certainly does seem overdone.

My largest complaint this season echos similar seasons. If you die/wipe, very long run back. This season, a big timer penalty on death and the newest issue I have is the affix overlaps to mechanics. Places like Ara Kara, City of Threads, Siege of Boralus, Stone Vault
 everything has mechanics you cannot stand in but Affix sure does spawn there. This is RNG at it’s finest and that is not “poor decision” making as Blizzard eloquently stated about players making choices. Suffice to say, for the 2 hour a day player, this is not great.


Ok I hopped on my main for you to continue this conversation.

If this was actually true then how did I get to where I am only pugging? This is an example of feels vs reality. The reality is even being a class/spec that is far removed from the meta like myself I have 0 issues getting into the 10’s I apply too.

This is another feel vs reality so many people here have said a key is bricked with a death or two when as you can see on this toon via IO I have easily timed keys in groups with deaths of 15 plus.

At the end of the day making changes/not making changes based on feels is a horrible idea otherwise we would live in world where people still think the sun revolves around the earth. Community perception and beliefs can only be changed by the community ain’t nothing blizz can do to fix that, look back not that far to DF when Aug was released. The community perception was they are horrible and a complete failure and look at how bad the dps they do is, those threads are still around when we all know that wasn’t the case but the community believed it to be so.

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The biggest problem with M+ is the same with PVP. One season rewards are shockingly easy to obtain, the next Blizzard makes some sort of change and people are getting crushed in low content.

Developing a standard of difficulty and sticking with it is something that needs to happen. They can make it where typical season KSH players can’t time a +2, make it where great vault for timing a +50 gives heroic dungeon loot, who cares, but the easiest way to solve most of the complaints is to just let people know where they stand so they can genuinely improve season by season, or quit doing the content if they feel they aren’t good enough for it.

Some guy who clicks his spells getting 3k IO one season, then wiping in +3s the next is what is causing most of this uproar. lol


They do though. If you look at %scaling of health and dmg its exactly the same as S4 of DF. If you look at pass/fail wipe mechanics DF dungeon pool actually had more than TWW has.

That can’t happen unless they change every season in an expansion making it harder with scaling % the opposite of what you said before. As each season of the expansion adds a level of non ilvl amount of player power to your toon. Looking again back to DF S3 and S4 we had the helm enchants giving 13.9% player power for free without affecting Ilvl. Not to mention is sorta a non realistic stance like saying oh cause I got CE in SL then I should be able to get it in DF and in TWW just the same.

you can just run a lower key.