Icy Veins: SMS required for 9.2 group finder tool including authenticator

Weird. I have a cricket phone and number and the battle.net Authenticator.


No clue why it isn’t working for some people.

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Plan? Who needs a plan? any prepaid service will get u sms protect…

Right but until a little over a year ago for me they only provide simple cell phone not a smartphone…now they give out smart phones…

but why though?

I bought an authenticator still tied to my account back in …what…wrath or cata…works fine…why is that not proof enough of the legitimacy of my account?

Somewhere out there, there are still people upset that windows xp and vista aren’t supported for wow anymore.


OP delivered.

If you already have a computer and are online for your real life needs (such as signing onto sites for your government relief etc) then thats already part of your expenditure, and the small payment per month for WoW can be offset by gold. I am on a pension where I have to be very careful of my spending; Im still using a Galaxy S5 though its fast approaching its endlife and I will somehow need to get the money together for a new one. So I do appreciate how hard it can be.

If the account was protected by an authenticator it wouldn’t have been (or is much, much, much less likely to be) compromised in the first place.

Pretty much what I was thinking.

Someone will make a LFG addon for WoW to skip this system entirely.

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Won’t someone think of the gold farmers?!?


It’s easier to put the onus on the consumer who is already overburdened with cost for this game and inflation/life in general, than to cut into their bottom line with something that is actually sensible.

No they do not

No way you are going to convince everyone to get a phone. I mEean look at the way they treat and react to the covid vaccine which can save your life.

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Is this really just a “you people should be working multiple full-time jobs at minimum wage and don’t deserve any entertainment whatever” situation to you?


If you can get a text message you can get sms…

Do you EVER get out of your mother’s basement?

Phones are starting to feel more like an animal id tag than a communication device.


Let’s be real, who doesn’t have a smart phone these days?
I wanna say, ok boomer so bad.
Just waiting to shoot my shot

Want to explain what I said was offensive?