Icy Veins: SMS required for 9.2 group finder tool including authenticator

im lucky in the department that my mother likes having me around so i was more than welcomed back

oh yeah i didn’t mean you, i mean the people jumping to conclusions everywhere


“save us daddy blizzard, punish the bad guys”
blizzard makes a change
“oh no not like that”

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Not everyone that plays this game can work…there are those of us that are Disabled and live on a tight budget…I am one of them…Disabled Navy Veteran and I only had my VA Disability pension to live on till I finally got a smart phone though the State of Florida …before I got the smart phone I used a keyfob Authenticator for my account.

I’d see this if their authenticator didn’t suck. It does not take in non us numbers. add ons were fine here…

I have one of these. American living abroad.

DO you not have a phone?

I got 3 phones in the house blizzard dude. all start with 011 for japan. Make that webmaster recognize more than 1 country code (1 for US)…and we are good here.

Kid wants to play the COD F2p but can’t. its uses authenticator by phone only. NA only takes country code 1 for the US. Blizzard’s loss there. Kids these days don’t want toys. They want game money lol. V bucks, bobux for roblox…this is what I buy me kid these days as that is what he wants.

Guess Imma have to buy a cellphone with wow gold now?

I’m assuming since you can get a prepaid smartphone for like 20 a month or less that qualifies then you can’t afford the 15 spent each month on wow. Not really rocket science.

I’ll not repeat what I wrote before but had you read it, you wouldn’t tell me this.

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They have assistance programs that provide cell phones.

So my 14 year old kid needs to have a cellphone to play the game. What if I ground them and take away the cellphone for two weeks. What if they break it and I can’t afford to replace it for a few paychecks?

At least the app has emergency back up codes and things. The requiring a cellphone is troll.

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Not everyone has income

People use gold for their subs

If you ground them wouldn’t they be off limits ok PC as well?

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The time the spend farming gold they could be working. If you want to post custom text toe the line.

In a few days there will be spam all day everyday about “WHERES ARTIFACT SKINS!?”.

The price of preventing spam and boosters in LFG, oh well. Too bad for them. I’m 100% fine with it as are most.

You don’t know her situation though not everyone is capable of just working at a retail job or something

Some people are disabled as its been mentioned many times

Some people can’t get a job due to tending family first

Unless you are their significant other/family member you shouldn’t assume their income

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Just wondering… did you follow the link and read it?

You still won’t need to do all of this to post a group.

You will need this if you “DON’T HAVE A KEYSTONE”, in addition to the current requirement for setting a custom title:

  • LFG_AUTHENTICATOR_BUTTON_MYTHIC_PLUS_TOOLTIP - You can’t post a Mythic+ group without a keystone until you secure your account with the Battle.net Authenticator and SMS Protect
  • GROUP_FINDER_AUTHENTICATOR_POPUP_DESC - Unlock full access to the group finder by attaching an Authenticator and SMS Protect to your account.|n|nThe Battle.net Authenticator is a free, easy-to-use service that protects your account from intruders, and SMS Protect notifies you when important changes are made to your account.Click “Activate” to launch the Authenticator setup website.
  • LFG_AUTHENTICATOR_BUTTON_TOOLTIP - You can’t edit this field until you secure your account with the Battle.net Authenticator and SMS Protect

Edit: Just so it’s clear, if you don’t have the authenticator or SMS, you can post a group ONLY if you have a key, and you will NOT be able to create a custom title.

If that is the case there are programs that assist with cell phones. What I’m saying is there really is no reason to throw a fit over the change.

Not everyone lives in the United States that can qualify for a free phone from the US government

Wouldn’t a small amount of income before being fired make more sense than none at all because you think they would fore you?

Then I guess they will just have to live without posting custom text for now.