Icy Veins: SMS required for 9.2 group finder tool including authenticator

If you can’t afford that then you really can’t afford the game either.

This isn’t an issue

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who dosnt have a smartphone in this day and age? puttin the authenticator on it isnt hard aswell. feels like people are complaining for the sake of complaining, making a mountain out of a molehill or/and cant be stuffed to upgrade there flip phones to a smart phone

i for one thing its a good idar. it will cut out a bit of the bot spam in the lfr and lfd finders

I would get into why your entire comment is false but I can’t be bothered to.

Just do group content with a guild. Problem solved.


You have no idea how much damage has been done to the public over eons of human history in the name of the “public good.” Won’t be long until a gang of hackers has your number–and every detail about you because your bank, social media accounts, and by extension–your family’s data too are all on your cell phone and linked to your phone number.

You give up your power and compromised your loved ones all because you complied and wanted to LFR.

No entertainment company deserves my SMS number, or anything else for that matter; don’t care how they spin it.

I get the security is needed but a cell phone in other countries, not USA are throw away meaning you don’t keep the same number and it is very costly to keep getting texts,

I wish this company would have alternatives like an app authenticator.

Microsoft has an app authenticator as do other gaming companies with no cell phone needed.

“The forums now require SMS protection to log on.”

On the one hand, this is fine.

On the other hand, so many moving parts for their entire oauth to poo the bed and nobody can log in on a random Saturday.

Most banking apps require one of the two secret questions answered along with a password and Facebook requires the same when logging on from an unknown device. I have no idea how you think a phone number will allow that.

Do you give your number when ordering a pizza? What about a callback from any service? By your logic you just gave up all that info.

This is going to be a hard pass and two middle fingers.

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From what I understand he is saying as more and more companies go the easy way of requiring your cell number to be tied to your account then the issue will arise as identity theft will be much easier to get by only having the cell phone since it will be tied to everything as opposed to a company who really takes the time to make an authenticator personal to them.

like a virtual credit card, if that gets hacked you can track which company had the issue since its individual per company not universal

or how about people who just want to keep their phone life and their gaming life seperate? Simple as that. I will not subscribe to whatever BS is coming. We said no to real-ID and I’ll vote no with my wallet again over this.


Don’t know. Don’t order pizza from places that require that. As for FB, it can be dumped in an icy lake; deleted it years ago for above-mentioned reasons–and so should you. Social media sites get hacked all the time, and FB has already been multiple times. That means that the hackers got everything on you, your friends, AND your family: street addresses, job information, location, etc.

Feeling sick yet?

As for my bank it is just down the street; if I have business there, I’ll just walk to it.

Quit acting as if you are a prisoner to the world around you with your compliance: in an age where you do not need to “pay” for a product and/or to watch its advertisements, you are the product.

I deleted my facebook too. After my 6th ban for daring to not toe the line of those silicon valley tools and thinking for myself instead of taking what fake news facebook was spreading as fact, I got rid of it. Felt a massive weight lift from my shoulders. Now I don’t use any social media.


Every pizza place requires a phone number.

As for the fb stuff I don’t have my family marked… my job is fake and I live on another planet.

Drive up to a pizza joint

Say “I would like to have X and Y pizza, large please”

Tell them you’ll wait for it as its being made

Where is the phone number problem now?


Didn’t anyone tell you what happens when you feed a stray?:smiley:

Try a local mom and pop outfit rather than a chain.

I was thinking more for delivery not carryout.

You can blame FatbossTv for that. That is where all the spam is coming from, well 90% of it.