Icy Veins: SMS required for 9.2 group finder tool including authenticator

Only cordless . Corded phones will still work . Because the land lines are actually powered by the local Telco via wires that go from a persons home along a network that eventually ends up at the Telco’s Exchange . If power goes out at the exchange they are set up for battery back up . Also it only takes 6 to 12 volts to power a phone .

So if yours didn’t work I’m going to guess they were cordless.

Most use cable and if it is a land line modem then it is a DSL .

Oh and my source for this is my dad who spent 13 years with AT&T and 30 years with Sprint as a Fiber OP tech as well as erecting mobile cell towers and knows a lot about how land lines and some about mobile phones

Nope, not cordless, we have a cable phone modem and it requires power to provide a signal for the phone.

All cable land lines i’ve dealt with for the last 15 years or so have had a modem requirement to work, which requires power. They are not connected to the external phone network like if you have AT&T’s regular old into the wall and out service which even my grandma doesn’t use, it’s just easier to have it all bundled in one package (cable/tv/phone)

So is the solution to that having the designers make things they know people will hate to punish them for complaining about what devs still appear to feel is a perfectly designed expansion that we’d be in awe of if only we hadn’t been mind controlled into thinking that fun matters?

Do you live in the United States, the land of the massively available cheap products?

I live in Australia, a relatively wealthy country, and we do not have $50 new phones. About the cheapest you can get any sort of decent working new phone is $200. The average payment per week if you are unemployed is $300. So if you happen to have to pay rent, buy food, fuel, etc that doesnt leave with you a lot to live on, so buying a phone is not always simple.

Perhaps consider that not everyone in the world lives where you do or can afford what you can.

Just be certain what is it exactly you are paying for.

If you are having that difficult a time, computer gaming should not be a priority. I have been there. Being able to play games was not a concern of mine or a priority. I was more concerned about digging out of the hole I was in.

Well i think this is kinda crap considering i dont have a job just yet and my sell phone is busted and unuseable. so i guess i wont be posting keys any time soon

lol 100% for real

Wait is that saying you cant use LFG at all with out SMS and authenticator?

Try looking into this…

The phone works with the authenticator and SMS

No, as of now you can still use it and list groups, just can’t post custom text.

Oh okay thats fine then.

as far as your post above goes i cant afford squat cant go below 100 bucks on my bank account or they start charging me a fee. had to use most of my money to geta new car after my last one just decided it was time to die

I say they close the accounts of anyone buying services for irl money but then the forum would scream even louder.

The phone is free, and so is the service. They give you unlimited text and phone, and roughly about 2-3 gigs of data per month. If you have access to a wifi, you won’t even have to use the data.

I had one for a year, and it worked with the authenticator and SMS. Look for the tents in parking lots saying free phone or something like that.

Oh. then ill see what i can do with it then. i might just wait a month i plan on looking for a job at the start of the year. i would now but efveryone is ether closed down or is notrious for firing after holidays

that’s not at all what it’s saying. people here just skipped over the “full access” part and didn’t bother reading the post itself.

yeah…because they’d mess it up and shotgun it. high rate of bans for those who never used a service.

they have no access to 3rd party to confirm transaction. so they’d be going off of really odd metrics. like this guy got too good too quick. weak stat that.

Fallout 76 tried that. and it was more wood chucked onto the dumpster fire that was year 1. several shotgun ban passes for people with “too much” so they clearly had to be using QA smoke room hack.

when in fact many were just really motivated players.

I feel for you. Being unemployed sucks. Homeless even worse.

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Good!!! less spammers.

i did read it. i jsut got confused.

i woke up like an hour ago and im still turning on

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