Icy Veins: SMS required for 9.2 group finder tool including authenticator

There are numerous phone numbers that Blizzard categorizes as “prepaid” and they don’t support SMS Protect with that category.

Don’t ask.

Ok you weirdo non phone havers… im on your side for this one, this is a step too far, even if it wont affect me this seems excessive.

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Gee, I guess levelers were still finding ways to form groups to do those elite quests devs want them to solo.

Okay, so if I buy a Tracfone and it turns out to be incompatible are you going to reimburse me? Is Blizzard?

And this still doesn’t tell me why I should have to spend extra money on something I don’t want to utilize a feature in a game I already pay for.


Mage Tower is explicitly solo content. No grouping will be possible. Why put that in here?

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I had metro and had zero issues with both sms and the app.

You could return it to the place you purchased it at…

It was a comment pertaining to what someone else pointing out regarding player complaints. Regardless if it’s solo content or not, my point was that people will find a reason to complain. Not to mention the person I quoted was pointing out how they miss Mage Tower Threads.

On the grounds that the smartphone I bought to act as a digital key performs fine as a phone, but not as a key?

You’ll have to forgive me for thinking that a business would be unlikely to give me a refund for their phone not complying with Blizzard’s arbitrary rules.

You might as well call yourself Reed Richards with that stretching. You can simply say it’s not a good phone there are issues you wish to return it.

I’m not sure Boost will work any more since Sprint sold them to Dish Network after merging with T-Mobile .

Change human nature.

As long as there are people willing to pay for a shortcut, there will be those that will cash in on it.

Until you can change that fundamental fact, this is the best we are going to get.

I went to verify, and based on what I could find you’re correct. Target will accept a return within 14 days regardless of reason. I’m less clear on whether or not I can get the prepaid time refunded, but I’ll just give you that I can.

So… Remind me again why I have to buy a phone, that I don’t want, to utilize a feature in a game I already pay for?

Talk to blizzard. Not me. Also prepaid has different software that’ll flag it as a prepaid phone.

:woman_shrugging: I already unsubbed, Blizz can do whatever they want. I’m talking to the people defending this asinine requirement.


don’t forget to blame the people that whined and sniveled about the spam, but refused to use already existing tools (addons) to hide what they didn’t want to see.

that said

I think blizz is going overboard in their account security for a video game. google authenticator or something similar should be good enough.

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I know people in the late 60s to mid to late 80s that have cell phones and know how to operate computers and guess what they have land lines too . Because they are a fail safe fall back for emergencies close to home .

Something happens and cell reception is broken like a major storm takes out towers in an area . Guess what everyone that goes "Well if they use a land line so they are some kind of boomer is going to do . They are going to look for that boomer so that they can possibly use the boomer’s land line so that they can try to contact the people they care about .

Most likely they won’t get through . Not because of the boomer’s land line but because they were too stupid to have their own land line because the people they were trying to call on only cell phones are having the same problem they are .

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I have a land line. It worked during that major blackout on the east coast many years ago. I guess I’m a Boomer. :+1:

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We actually had a massive emergency here awhile ago that took out things for days.

Cell phones still worked though, you have to take out multiple towers to lose cell service in an area.

Most land line phones now require power, which means in a storm that knocks out power you lose your land line.

Think about it, how many people do you know that still have a bonified land line through the phone company that doesn’t use some kind of phone modem.

Our land line is through the cable company (we can’t get rid of it, it would end up costing more than keeping it >.>), if the internet is out the phone is is out.

I dont even know why I still have a phone, I never use it. Thinking of getting rid of it.

That said. While this change is massively annoying and makes forming groups harder im still not bothering with an authenticator. I dont need one and I can still make groups in the finder no problem. Just can’t edit certain parts which isn’t even that big a deal.