Icy Veins: SMS required for 9.2 group finder tool including authenticator

No, you cannot. It needs to be a contract phone.


If I don’t want a cell phone, and I am forced to buy a cell phone plan in order to use a feature of World of Warcraft, then yes, my sub is arbitrarily more expensive than yours, because I do not want a cell phone.

My reasons for not wanting a cell phone are entirely irrelevant, and the ad hominem isn’t appreciated.


Windows 11 have Android emulator support where you can install Android apps on your PC

But with this new info that all becomes obsolete for people trying to avoid cell phones

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Doesn’t work because they require SMS still.

Ah ok thank you for the clarification! :wink:

been free for nearly a decade now! lol


Not everyone can afford a phone, not everyones life is the same as what you experienced that one time you were poor :man_shrugging:

Every time I see your name it reminds me of Nickelodeon


gratz homie

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Have you ever thought of the fact that a lot of anti social gamer types have a land line because they don’t go out or would need a cell phone? There is a subset of people who play WoW that are very anti social and do not need things like a cell phone.

That’s funny, because i don’t have a contract :joy:

I’m still able to freely list LFG groups and my authenticator works just fine.

People thinking you need a $1000 iPhone and $100+/month contract plan or it won’t work… :man_facepalming:

Getting an iPhone is already dumb as it is

Getting ripped off for features that Android already had years back

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Haha, I’ve heard that before! My priest’s name is Nickael and I suck at coming up with names, so Nickael the paladin became Nickaeladin.

Also, this was datamined so no telling if it will go to live servers as it is yet.

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That’s great that it worked out for you. It’s not universal-- are you going to pay for me to try a service and find out whether it works or not? Why is that my responsibility to gamble?

And further, why do I have to pay for something I don’t want to begin with?

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for the landline people, is it really cheaper than buying a $40 android off amazon and paying monthly for a single line? the cheapest landline cost with at&t is $37 a month. t-mobile has unlimited talk & text(no data) for $20.

are you really that attached to your landline? I can understand if it’s a work phone, but even that could be done on a mobile.

Landline rings on several phones throughout your house. Not just one cell phone that may not be near your or turned on.

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That’s what you people get for laughing at Wyatt Chang.

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My landline was $10 a month, with spotty cell service in an area I used to live. The cheapest cell plan was $60/month.


We’ve already been over this, you’re probably “already” paying for a smartphone… if you’re like most normal people in 2021.

I dunno, to me this whole “I’m NEVER getting a cell phone, I’m sticking with my landline!” is such a strange hill to die on… it’s basically equivalent to the old-timers that continued to use horses after cars became widely available/affordable :laughing:

Oh, okay. Well I guess since you decided I already have one it doesn’t matter. Since you can just will things into existence on my behalf, how about a few million in my bank account?

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That’s what I’m doing with crypto now :frowning_face: