Icy Veins: SMS required for 9.2 group finder tool including authenticator

some play with their blood :drop_of_blood:

if i had any power in the world i would make people who post this kind of trash be required to go and buy i dunno 10 phones and 10 plans for random people, failure to do so would result in deletion of users account permanantly.

the point im making is get out of here who on earth are you to lord over anyone thinking everyone else should be you, live like you whatever like you. Unless you are buying this stuff for people you have no right to tell anyone what they should have


You know - fix the GF tool. Make it so you cannot create “advert” groups by not allowing free-form text at all and leveraging more dropdowns, or Blizzard approved labels (“at”, “need”, “bossname”, “classname”, “ability”, etc.), or other menu items to convey what folks need/want.

Enable those filters both for the person creating the group and for those searching.

The whole authenticator thing is just a crutch for their lack of creativity, budget, solutioning, or all of the above.

Authenticators do not prevent you from creating WTS groups, they just require you to have an authenticator to do so. That isn’t a fix. It is a band-aid at best.

Now, if you want to require an authenticator to play the game as a security measure, then do it for everyone. Full stop. Do not hold the GF hostage behind it or any other in-game feature.

This is an mmo. That requires people…playing together.

Why on earth would you make group finding/creating harder to do? Have you guys (Blizz) completely lost your minds! :man_facepalming:

No need, I know exactly how your response would be. Looking a few posts above you use terms such as “fake news” but not sarcastically… you will argue stating opinions you read online that you believe are facts because it aligns with your train of thought…

I dO my oWN reAseArcH

Not at all. I listen to both sides but you can mock it if you wish, I do happen to do my own research. As controversial as that is. I dont take what others say at face value regardless of who they are and nor should anyone.

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