Iconic race-class combos., according to Blizzard... Are they correct?

Fixed to show what they should be


There is no single iconic race class combo.

There is variety of race class combos within the world of Warcraft.

Aren’t the worgen literally created by a Druidic curse, one that is attached to a druid artifact weapon we can get as a player in legion?

Some of these recommended race/class combinations are changing for Shadowlands. The new recommended race/class combinations are:

Human: Warrior (was Priest)
Worgen: Rogue (was Death Knight)

That seems to be all for now, but I think the change of default class for Worgen is good, as Rogue feels more like an iconic class for Worgen than Death Knight. Humans defaulting to Priest was always a strange decision as well.

Also, it should be noted that Zandalari Trolls do NOT have a default class. For instance, if you selected Mag’har Orc before selecting Zandalari Troll, the Zandalari Troll will inherit the Warrior class selection, and if you select Void Elf and then Zandalari, then the Zandalari will inherit the Mage class selection. I’m not sure if this is intentional or a bug.

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Not far off IMO.
Though Human should be up for a few more spots, I don’t see ‘Priest’ being iconic for Human race/class combo.

The rest seems OK.

The Worgen one also seems weird.

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This news I find very interesting–and also more accurate, especially for the Worgen. (Like others, I also place Druid high on the Worgen class list.)

Every time that I’ve selected each race–one time through–Zandalari always has had Warrior “pre-selected.” But I tested what you wrote and you’re right: if you return to another race, then re-select Zandalari, you get a different pre-selected/ suggested Zandalari class. (When I reselected Zandalari a second and, eventually, a third time, I got Mage and Monk, respectively. Very interesting…)

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Dwarf Warrior!!!

Sure we dwarves have the famous mountaineers of Ironforge, but we are renowned for our Mountain Kings!!!

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You’re gonna need to take it up with Blizzard, since they’re the ones who initially direct Dwarf players to the Hunter class. (Personally, I view them more as Warriors, too.)

Rogues fit Worgen more.

A bunch of older Worgen mobs pre-Cata had stealth and Rogues feel overall faster with matches with a more “vicious” appearance.

Plus you can get Jack the Ripper vibes by killing somebody and swapping back to human form.


IMVHO that should be mage instead of DK…

I mean rogue, you heard it wrong, I said rogue, nobody mentioned mage.

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I saw nothing amiss; you said rogue from the start and meant it. :wink:

Seems about right… except for worgen.

I was about to say that myself. You beat me to it.

Ya, I mean Human should be Paladin. And Worgen should be something other than DK, just feels wrong to have DK as an iconic class. Hunter maybe

Is that a real thing the character creation screen does?

You just had to go and say that as I’m thinking of changing my Dwarf Warrior to Worgen just to give Worgen something so I could maybe have Dwarf Hunter/Night elf Rogue.

Taurens not being Druid is weird… F-

Human paladin and dwarf priest.

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hold up…the draenei priest is more iconic then the human paladin…they truly have lost thier minds lol

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Draenei are also more shaman for me, thinking about it. Blood elf paladin also.