Iconic race-class combos., according to Blizzard... Are they correct?

About the Worgen DK.

They do get darkflight which is a huge bonus to mobility for a DK. Not a valid story reason of course, but it makes sense gameplay-wise.

Do I have any problems with the list?

Nope it’s perfect.

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Excuse me, what? Warrior or Pally should be the default for Humans.

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In my head, there are only five “iconic” race class combos

  1. Orc Warlock
  2. Undead Rogue
  3. Draenei Paladin
  4. Night Elf Druid
  5. Pandaren Monk

Definitely got human wrong; it should be paladin.

Also not sold on gnome warlock or worgen death knights.


Mechagnome and Kul’Tiran warrior?
Not sure about those two. The others seem fine.

The first few on each side actually remind me of the very first cinematic for World of Warcraft. The Night Elf Druid, Dwarf Hunter, Tauren Shaman… yeah, seems legit.

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Hmm I just feel that there is more than one iconic class for some of the races. For example, when I think of Orc I don’t only think of Warrior, but also of Shaman and Hunter. They might be shown more as warrior but Shaman is their mystical warrior and Hunter just a warrior who uses range weapons.

Only ones I’d say are flat out wrong to me is Worgen, Blood Elf, Human and Troll.

Worgen I’d say Rogue, Blood Elf and Human would be Paladins and Troll’s iconic class isn’t in the game. Though going only by classes available in WoW I’d say hunter.

Then again a gnome warlock is a hero in Hearthstone so maybe they think that’s right haha

I think they’re pretty spot on, especially for the core races

Allied races have a bit more room for interpretation, but overall that list seems accurate to me :thinking:

Another “internet list” I don’t fully agree with.

Clearly Blood Elf Druid should’ve been an option.

I think each race has about three main classes that they are known for.

Blood Elf: Mage, Hunter, Paladin
Night Elf: Priest, Hunter, Druid
Human: Mage, Priest, Paladin

…and so on.

If you look around the major cities of each race, you can easily find the three most important classes to the races.


I don’t get this one at all; what’s the connection?

I think it makes sense when you consider the gnomish ego. Sacrificing various things to gain more power and learn more about the arcane/fel is something that gnomes mesh well with.

Unfortunately we didn’t get the Broken. Technically the vast majority of Draenei Shamans are the Broken with very few non-affected joining their ranks.

We should have gotten Broken instead of Void Elves, seriously.


According to Blizzards key art for ARs these would be the iconic combos

HMT : Shaman (wielding a 2h?)
VE : Rogue
Maghar : Arms War or Surv Hunter (can’t tell)
DID : Prot War
ZD : Enh Shaman
KT : Outlaw Rogue
Vulpera : Rogue
MechaG : Hunter

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Are you saying that Blizzard is working off an “Internet list?” :thinking:

I feel particularly better about this news; I tested multiple classes on a female Velf and found that I like Rogue the best for her. So even though Blizzard “directs” players toward the Mage class for Velf, Rogue is where it’s at for me.

This is essentially a list that I don’t agree with. It’s on the internet. So… That Blizzard made it doesn’t mean I agree with their list, regardless of my feelings about the game itself.

Worgen DK is the dumbest thing ever. They should be druids or rogues.

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