Iconic race-class combos., according to Blizzard... Are they correct?

In the character-creation screen, Blizzard “directs” you to what it considers to be the most iconic class for whichever race you’ve selected. (This system works only if you don’t select another class while switching between races; once you select a different class from the Blizzard-designated one, the pattern breaks and you no longer are shown the most iconic class per race.)

Here’s the race-class combos. (seemingly) recommended by Blizzard:

Orc: Warrior
Undead: Warlock
Tauren: Shaman
Troll: Shaman
Blood Elf: Mage
Goblin: Rogue
Nightborne: Mage
Highmountain Tauren: Hunter
Mag’har Orc: Warrior
Zandalari Troll: Warrior
Vulpera: Rogue

Human: Priest
Dwarf: Hunter
Night Elf: Druid
Gnome: Warlock
Draenei: Paladin
Worgen: Death Knight
Void Elf: Mage
Lightforged Draenei: Paladin
Dark Iron Dwarf: Warrior
Kul Tiran: Warrior
Mechagnome: Warrior

Pandaren: Monk

I’m surprised by a few of them, based on lore/ NPC’s named repeatedly in the forums. Does anyone think that Blizzard got some of the iconic race-class combos. slightly wrong, or do you think that they’re spot-on with all of them? :thinking:


Mechagnome should clearly be hunter. They have mechanical pets and everything.


I’d change human and blood elf to paladin, but I might be biased because those are what I play lol


I will forever dislike that the iconic race for Draenei isn’t shaman. It would of been a good dozen times cooler if the draenei were mainly a shamanistic race that worshipped the Naaru as Great Light elementals or something. Especially since their purpose was to bring the class to the Alliance, just like Blood Elves brought Paladins to the Horde.


Blood Elf Rangers(Hunters) will always be the iconic Blood Elf class for me.


Honestly the only one I take any real issue is Gnome Warlock, personally I think they fit Mages better. Academics and all.


I knew Gnomes were evil. I just knew it!


I’d say priest

Definitely not DK. Rogue or hunter maybe?


Blood elf priest
Human paladin
Both for WC3 reasons


Oh, right. this too. Hero Classes shouldn’t be one of the iconic selections in my opinion.

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Zandalari should be shaman or priest.

Mechagnome works with hunter, or mage. I don’t get Warrior and think they didn’t have an idea.

Kul TIran to me is shaman? But Warrior is fine.

Obviously these are opinions but… w/e.

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Mage is good, Paladin would be more interesting.

Absolutely should be Druid

Should be Paladin.



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The Horde list seemed mostly agreeable to me, but my reactions to the Alliance list mostly ranged from “I guess I could see that.” to “What the crap is that?”

Human Priest?
Gnome Warlock?
Dark Iron Warrior?
Worgen DK?!

I feel like I’ve been playing different games from whoever came up with that.


Well this actually makes a lot of sense, Huln was a Hunter and even his weapon became the Survival Hunter’s choice artifact in Legion so these have a lot of lore behind them. Funnily enough I don’t see any Highmountain Tauren Druids at all.


True I suppose. But at the same time the whole reason their race exists is because Cenarius blessed them. I guess Hunter is still naturey enough but it feels like if the Lightforged iconic was Priests when Paladin is right over there

Ahhh… Everyone, thus far, has raised some good points. It would seem that Blizzard “incorrectly” labels certain race-class combos. that veer from the more iconic lore, which I suspected to be the case. (Not that one can truly go “wrong” with a certain combo.; if it’s playable, then it, technically, passes muster, per Blizzard.)

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Tauren would be hunters, I mean most of the quests early on are about hunting and skinning, it just seems a more fluid fit to the race. Orcs are definitely Shaman, because they were the ones within the lore itself to then become Warlocks… Trolls are more a warrior race to me, because regeneratin’ mon and I really think Gnomes would be Mages which fits in with the coolest Mage in the game; Milhouse Manastorm… Blood Elf is paladin through and through, Dranei Shaman. Human Paladin and Forsaken Priest. Worgen don’t fit with DK, human is more fitting… Worgen would make top Rogues. goblins too. Mechagnome Hunter for sure.

Wrong. :U
Should default to something like Rogue or Warrior.
Rogue because totally not bias I just think being all sneaky sneaky suits us best.


Have to firmly disagree on the Orcs, nothing is more iconic then an Orc Warrior.


Honestly, void elf should be priest (shadow if you care about lore), I think blood elf should be paladin or warlock, vulpera hunter, gnome mage and worgen anything but deathknight imo.