Iconic race-class combos., according to Blizzard... Are they correct?

i always felt the shamanism thing was more of a broken draenei thing, i feel like priest is more suited to the draenei

Undead make better shadow priests than warlocks, I’d say they call that iconic because of their cinematic but lorewise they are the cult of the forgotten shadow.

Gnomes are a mage class to me too !

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You are literally playing the most iconic race/class combo in warcraft, only other one that comes close is orc warrior…why do you think there are so many human paladins? Its because of warcraft 1-3.

Seems legit! :ok_hand:

Fixed that for you.

Everyone wants a piece of that Male Human Paladin action. None can resist the crusade!

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Paladins and Humans are practically one in the same.

The origins of Paladins in this games universe were Human, all the greatest Paladin heroes are Human.

It was a Human Paladin who shattered Frostmourne and defeated The Lich King.


Varian is the only human that mattered.

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Worgen Rogue and let Worgen Rogue have a special sub-racial xmog option of ‘hide weapon’. So they can get the stats from whatever they wield, but look like they’re using their own claws to rip you apart.

Would likes:
Ogre Lumberjack or Rockthrower
Murloc Fisherman or Gurgler

Underwear model class should be created with hide everything xmog stance, select whichever race’s underwear you want. Have a variety of emotes and voice-emotes tied to combat abilities. Some exotic /dance. Then pair the Dranei floozies to the underwear model class.

Where did this come from?

Human seems odd. Considering Uther, Turalyon, and Arthas were all paladin and are massive lore characters.

Paladins played a massive role in the second war.

I am currently playing, and will continue to play, my BE Hunter as MM with no pet. Such a great feeling.

Yeah. Or perhaps instead of the Lightforged, which honestly feel more like it could have been thrown in with the rest of the customization options.

That said, the point about the Draenei and Shaman remains spot on.

While the Blood Elves took the “Blood Knight” angle and made it a major plot point of the whole expansion, Draenei shaman always felt like this weird side thing that was tacked on, because… gotta give the Alliance shaman somehow, I guess…

It wasn’t as developed, and it was really isolated from the rest of the main race’s motif and theme. Perhaps instead of “Shaman” they should have just given up and made them “Elementalists” with a more “civilized” bent while keeping the mechanics the same.

Uhh, you misspelled Shadow Priest there :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Forgive me if someone else already answered your question, as I just now am catching up on the latest replies to my OP.

Yes, this is a real thing that the character screen does, as evidenced by the many chars that I’ve created. (“Hi, my name is ‘Alira’ and I’m an altoholic.”) As long as you just select between the various races–and don’t change the class selection for any of them–the same pattern plays out.

As another person mentioned, the one exception is the Zandalari Troll. Initially, the class pre-selected for it is Warrior; but each time you select another race and, then, re-select the Zandalari, a different class then is pre-selected for it. But for all the other races, the same classes are pre-selected time and time again.

As my OP states, the list that I provided comes from Blizzard. I merely am asking if people agree or disagree with the classes to which Blizz directs players, based upon their chosen race.

I didn’t misspell anything. If you disagree with the idea that Mage is most iconic for the Velf race, then you really disagree with Blizzard. (Read my OP in full; it’s not my list that I provided; it’s based on Blizzard’s pre-selected classes per race.) For what it’s worth, I think that Shadow Priest likely fits the Velf more accurately, too–even though there’s Blizzard artwork showing a Velf female as a Rogue. :thinking:

Void Elf Subtlety Rogue. :smiling_imp:

Not gonna lie: I really like the Velf as Subtlety Rogue. I have one and really like playing her. It just seems like a very good race-class fit., despite them also making for great spellcasters.

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Tauren could be a toss up between druid or shaman.

Troll probably should have been hunter.

Gnomes should have been mage.

Worgen should have been rogue or hunter or warrior.

Humans should have been Paladin.

Dark iron should have mage or warlock (they’ve always been the magic clan and it annoys me that Blizz just ignored that).

I’m ok with the rest.

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“The list is an absolute good. The list is life. All around its margins lies the gulf.”

Ok. But where?

My very first paragraph explains from where this list comes: