ICC Lockout Method Broken

I’m getting a laugh out of all the people who clearly don’t farm mounts and have zero idea about why people would be upset about the lockout change. Saying things like “I can’t imagine what the problem would be unless you wanted to run your alts through the content” when we are talking about trying to get a one-try-per-week mount with a 0.78% drop rate just makes you sound like an absolute moron. Also, if you can’t understand why a person would rather run their alts through the last boss only of the raid instead of the entirety of ICC I would suggest that you try clocking how long it takes to run five geared toons through the raid, esp with the new AOE target cap.

I tend to stay away from posting in threads that I don’t understand or have no interest in the content. The forums would be a better place if more people did the same.

All that being said, best of luck to all the hardcore mount collectors that are going to soldier on in spite of how much harder it just became to get Invincible. Hopefully Blizz puts the harmless little lockout trick back into the game.


I’ve noticed this myself. Not sure why it happens but it is super annoying. Had it happen to me a number of times while farming Throne of the Four Winds, no rhyme or reason to it.

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probably should post this in bugs

This was likely done on purpose. Blizz probably thinks that running ICC for the 300th time is as exciting as it was the first time.

Dumb question, what’s the benefit to this method?

That was in the patch notes, but yes purposeful maybe not but its logical.

THe benefit is people don’t want to fight all the bosses on the hardest difficulty

I apparently never did it right but as someone who doesn’t wanna spend 30 plus mins on each town running the dungeon, using the old method youd clear all the way to arthas make a group and then everyone that joins gets to just go kill him and get out. so maybe an hour for 12+ characters vs I dont know 6ish for me and all mine

Interesting. I never knew you could do this.

I knew you could i just never could do it right so either way I got the long 6 hour wait lol

Where was this in the patch note? They explicitly stated something about 10 man vs. 25 man changing. They said nothing about changing raid difficulties from Normal to Heroic. Even WoWhead says that they are unsure if it was intentional and usually their staff are pretty on top of things.

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Can we get a Blizz comment on this? It’s super frustrating. I opened a ticket and even CS wasn’t able to tell if it was an intentional change either.
Please revert or add a skip to Lich King


Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!

That’s the worst part is even they don’t know. With such major game-breaking bugs happening at the same time, it will take forever to get fixed if it ever does.

I just finally started doing this on a regular basis with my alts that were shelved.
I even moved my 104 warrior to my main server to make it easier to switch between characters. (ICC Lockout saved to him)
I then moved 2 more chars to my main server. The next week, the pre-patch hits, and now my 104 warrior was 42. Oops, can’t use pre-made group finder unless you’re 50.
Spent 2 nights getting him to 50. Went to continue the lockout for my toons, then found out about this change.

I feel cheated.


It’s definitely a sad change to have

Unethical mount farmers BTFO’d by based Activision-Blizzard my favorite publicly traded company. Epic and gamerpilled.

Someone said that people don’t want to fight every boss on the hardest difficulty, why is that? At max level they don’t even last more than a few seconds.

That isn’t what it is, you could literally finish the instance in under 5 minutes with the skip. I know that it isn’t hard to kill Heroic ICC bosses, but it is time consuming to run through the entire instance on 10+ characters when I could finish all my characters in under an hour.

As someone who runs ICC on several alts every week for years, I literally didn’t know this had been a thing until now.