ICC Lockout Method Broken

Many players were using a lockout from another toon to complete ICC for fast Lich King kills and fast Invincible attempts. As of the pre-patch you can no longer change difficulties while inside of ICC. Is this a purposeful change?

If so… why? It’s been in the game for multiple expansions now and I don’t see why now is the time to change it. Just makes it more difficult for those of us with hundreds of attempts already to farm the Lich King. Please revert this, it’s a meaningless change Blizz.


Oh that sucks. I got it 2 weeks ago finally using this method, I hope it’s fixed soon :frowning:


Oh god… Hope its still work for garrosh <.<


Same, it’s a terrible change and I’m really not sure why it happened. Why try to slow down someone running 10+ year old content?

I heard it still works for Ulduar so i think it probably still works for Gare Bear.


I was never able to get lockout sharing to work with Ulduar. If you can figure it out, please, PLEASE let me know!


it do still work for gary. tested earlier. still didnt got my tusk tho :sob:

That’s good at least. Still a shame it happened to ICC. Hopefully it’s just an overlook and will be reverted but I doubt it :frowning:

I haven’t got to use to use to method much so im not too bummed but I did manage to get my Invincible today so goodbye ICC :smile:

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Uhm…I don’t know what you were doing. My method is:

  1. Make group in raidfinder with character that has lockout. Logout.
  2. log in toon that wants to kill LK, Apply to group. Logout.
  3. Log in on first toon, accept player. Logout
  4. Log onto toon that wants to kill LK. Wait for lead to pass and kick toon with lockout.
  5. Cry over another failed attempt on invincible. (Kidding, got mine a while ago)

This goes faster with a second account so logouts are not needed. But why would difficulty switching be needed unless you wanted to mog farm on all the alts maybe?

Invincible doesnt drop except on heroic.

You clear it on normal on a dummy toon then do what you say and wait for leadership to swap over to heroic. You cannot clear on heroic with the dummy toon since the lockout will get cleared.

Anyone killing LK on normal has been wasting their time.

I’ll probably test LK tonight. I didnt even get to do this last night like I wanted cause Blizzard decided sub 50s cant premade groups which is stupid.


The way it worked originally (could have changed to another method as well at some point) was you would do everything you listed with a normal 25 man lockout. When you walked in on the toon ready to kill Arthas, you would accept the normal lockout, then select heroic 25 once inside the instance. This no longer works as it does not allow you to swap from Normal to heroic inside.

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This was all they said when I made a ticket about it. LoL Was no help.

Hello there Jason, I’m Specialist Game Master XXXXXXX Thank you for reaching out to us, and your patience with our current wait times. There were lots of changes and fixes that happened with the current patch. For further details about those changes you’ll want to refer to this page here: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/23529209/shadowlands-pre-expansion-patch-notes Here’s what we need to do to focus on if you would like to see any changes to the game, and let the Developers hear your ideas. We happen to have couple of venues that you can use to get this done. I’m not sure if you are aware, but have you heard of our Suggestion Feature? I personally like this option the best as it’s very convenient as you can do it while you’re playing, it is automatically forwarded to our Developers, and unlike our forums it is just between you and them. To submit this we need to open the help menu in game and select “Submit Suggestion”. The next venue would be our forum, found on our website at http://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/. Others will be able to see your posts and openly chat about them. Sometimes this may lead to a more constructive idea, as others would be able to brainstorm along with you about the changes you would like to see. Just choose the forum that relates to what you would like to see changed and post your thoughts and ideas there. The decision making process and all the changes that happen to the game is done by our Developers, not Customer Support. If you need hand with something else, please don’t hesitate to hit us up again. Otherwise, I do hope the rest of your day treats you well.

You’re gonna wanna remove the GM’s name from your post. We’re not allowed to post player or GM names on the forums.

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thx didnt know that

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Looks like a bot response that they’re using in response to just having a ticket submitted during prepatch.


From what I’ve been hearing, this was originally a bug they just fixed. Seriously, though, you’re complaining about having to clear trash we’ve been able to one-shot for years? Heroic or normal, doesn’t matter. Everything downs easy in there.

The ONLY problem I’d see is if legacy raids weren’t soloable anymore. Then you’d have a complaint, but if it’s just because you want to get transmog on one character, and the kill on another, that’s a bogus reason.

That’s not what I am complaining about. I am complaining about a gameplay mechanic that used to work not working anymore.
Let’s say a single run of ICC on average takes 30 minutes. I was killing the Lich King 8 times on Tuesday. That is 4 hours worth of farming ICC that with the skip, I was able to complete in about 5-10 minutes per character and under an hour for all of them.

While this would be a problem, it is by far not the ONLY problem.


As of an hour after you cited a fix, can confirm it is still broken :slight_smile:


I am going to be a sad tater if it doesn’t.

Normally I wouldn’t advocate to trying to finish as fast as possible, but when it comes to farming the Lich King 12 times a week I totally am.


They need to just introduce a skip quest like there is in the WoD raids.