Wow, another Bloomsday post I actually agree with!
Question: why does it matter if it’s a 5% buff that gets people a heroic lich king kill or gear that gives people 5% more damage/health?
I don’t see people arguing against higher ilvl gear in heroics to preserve the challenge.
Why is this buff different?
because its after 6 weeks and we have 2000 guilds progging on a fight that you aren’t progging on so you are invested in getting it nerfed
8 weeks. It’s not in yet. It goes in on week 9.
There will always be guilds at 11/12.
I was never planning on progging heroic LK pre-buff. I don’t find that kind of tuning fun.
If I want ball breaking difficulty, I play a single player game, not one where 24 others can hold me back.
maybe u should just accept that you can’t get that loot then? i don’t see what the big deal is with that, atleast for a few more weeks
i completely agree, the buff is wayyy too early…
None of the gear I need comes from LK. I have already killed everything in heroic I personally need drops from.
It’s not about me.
The game shouldn’t cater exclusively to the top tiny % of raiders. Optional hardest difficulties are in most games without rewards for doing so. WoW really shouldn’t be different.
did you panic when i mentioned that your number one worry is that your irl income is in danger? xD because you horribily said 2x mistakes.
1st i never said bene doesn’t have many gdkps that clear 11/12…i said the buff will make more gdkps exist which can clear 11/12&12/12 and over all that will lower the buyer market for your gdkp.
2nd…i lold about this part
“will make current gdkp’s lose money and that’s slap to all those players who run gdkps to sell gold for cash ‘it’s their in real life income’.” check the date… that was before blizzard even announce the buff.
it’s not that i want to disagree with you…I just know for fact how you real money traders think & it was so expected that you hate on the buff when you see it coming, you would do that even if it’s coming in many more weeks
the game doesn’t cater to the top tiny % of raiders, wow is very much a casual game, wotlk classic has like 55 different catch up mechanics, there is very little for hardcore players, 8 weeks of a difficult tier every other tier right?
You got 8 months of hard Ulduar, when most of us wanted the final tuning at some point.
And now you got 2 months of hardest ICC, and a 5% buff is at week 9.(which you can turn off, but will choose not to, because you really don’t care about the difficulty unless it’s forced upon you)
The horror!
In original Wrath the buff went in a month after the Lich King was available. This is even longer.
its kind of hilarious that anyone who disagrees with you is a real money trader and you know this somehow but don’t have any proof or any inclination or even know the person, nor if they even run a gdkp ( i don’t run a gdkp btw)
And people couldn’t even do hard modes for the best gear until the week after killing LK normal.
8 months, 6 months, its all the same when you are exaggerating to make a point right? naxx? togc? didn’t exist
i notice that you didn’t come asking for togc nerfs, is that because you cleared it pretty easily? hmm one would think that you only care for nerfs of content when it benefits you to get the gear, surely not right?
ToGC was fairly appropriately tuned.
Naxx was too easy, it was basically molten core 2.0
If you want hardcore raiding with crazy hard tuning, play retail, don’t ruin the classic series’ intended tuning. (This included the buff going in very early in heroic progression)
if you want easy raids, play era? do normal icc? not like ur forced into heroic, you turn on hardmode and then say “oh this is hard, i should get this nerfed”
I’ll just play the intended version instead…
Heroic + buff.
is normal not the intended? what does normal mean?
The raid was built to have 4 difficulties. You are just mad that the 2nd hardest gives the same loot.
-There is zero reason to be mad over the buff being implemented when it will never effect your guild (since you can disable it)
-There is zero reason to be mad if other guilds will use it since this world of warcraft has tons of thousands and no point in being worried about what others are doing since it won’t effect you by any means.
you run gdkp’s and sell gold for cash
you sell ticket and sell gold for cash
haha i know liars always forget about their lies
anyway the buff is coming, people are happy & you’re mad because your a real money trader and the buff is a threat to your irl income