ICC BUFF way to early Guild still in progress

While I’m writing right now we are at lock out number 6 of ICC.
There are only 230 guilds in the entire classic community that killed Heroic Lich King.
We all know Lich king HQ 0% is the most iconic boss of the entire classic series.
LK is the boss that will seal the deal for a lot of classic players.
This the hardest boss we have faced from the start of the classic Era.

Why nerfing this fast we already have a normal version for people who don’t really want the challenge.
Are we forgetting the dads guild who can raid only 2 days a week but won’t to get that challenge.
This isn’t about showing of our achievement its about moral accomplishment and finally close the book and say yes we did it cleared all the 3 classics expansions in the pre Nerf state.
We don’t need a buff the gear is already nerfing the content week after week.

The Meta will force you to use the buff taking it off is just stupid because you will be behind in every aspect!

If it was only me, I wouldn’t even implement a nerf until Cata prepatch were I would put a 30% nerf right at the beginning.
We already know we ain’t gonna need that gear for cata and ruby sanctum and Cata quest item will replace our icc gear pretty fast.
But if you really want to implement the buff I would suggest to add it for 11 boss but when you get into LK Room, the buff gets off instantly.
This would probably help clear the raid faster and get everyone to try and prog on heroic LK.

Don’t forget Lady Vashj/KT, you said you would never make that mistake again.
BC P2 launch Septembre 15 and the Nerf landed December 14. That’s 13 lockout without Nerf
Everyone said this was way too early to drop because some guilds were still progressing.
At this time there was 2500+ guild that killed Lady Vashj

ICC landed Octobor 12 and the nerf is planned on December 5. That’s 8 lockout before Nerf 5 less then Lady Vashj/KT.
Only 230 guilds have killed HQ LK

If it was the hold staff of blizzard i woulnd’t even bother writing this text.
But with the new vibe recently i feel like your looking for those feedbacks and i feel it could make a difference!

Dont worry we all gonna play SOD ;), but let us get the challenge of Killing HQ LK 0%!



Turn off the buff and continue your progression.


-if your guild is still progressing then you clearly need the buff
and if you want to have some challenge in icc then you can always turn off the buff or even use lower item level gear.
-in the end the buff should not effect you by any means if your guild wish to play without it since you can disable it.
~End of the story


We are still progressing on Lk HQ at 63% our lowest attempt for our first week on it yess.
We really dont need buff our problem is time! We dont have 300 active pull on ptr like a lot of other guilds. There is only 230 guilds that killed.

so you want to kill lk without the buff?
nothing will prevent you from doing that since your guild can play without it

“As a reminder-- the buff is optional. Any player can always choose to remove it”


The meta will force us to use it dont be stupid you already know that answear.
Why get a desadvantage over everyone else!
Like i said in my post the gear is already nerfing the content week after week.
Its heroiq it isnt supposed to be faceroll not doing mechanics and still getting the kill like LK normal…

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Blizzard needs to take a page from George Costanza and start doing the opposite of every instinct they have.

They could have delayed the rollout of the nerf until January and had it wrap up by the start of April, leaving still probably 1-2 months until Cata.

They could even have delayed the buff another few months and just dropped the full 30% nerf all at once. More weeks of 277 gear will nerf ICC by itself. If they hurried up and released Ruby Sanctum soon, then that gear would also further nerf ICC without them having to implement the X% buffs.

This nerf really is a crotch kick to anyone that was hoping to achieve a legit HC LK kill. It’s not like turning off the buff is a realistic option. I can’t even imagine what a guild’s reaction would be if a raid lead announced, “Sorry to anyone trying to work on competitive parses, but we’re turning off the buff. We’re gunna pass up guaranteed HC LK loot this week and keep progging like normal.”


So… it wasn’t about the challenge at all?

You still have 2 more weeks to get your “legit” LK kill.

Sounds like your guild doesn’t care for the difficulty if better chances at loot make them keep the buff.

You already had over a month of 277 gear more than players got the first time around (which was 3 weeks before the buff went live).


Fun fact, people didnt kill the LK originally until the 5% buff happened.

You can also turn the buff off if you want to.

No it wont. Its entirely up to you.

Good, then remove the buff and kill it.

Nothing is stopping you. Just remove the buff.

Then you dont really care about a “legit HC LK kill”.

Why do you care more about a parse than killing the LK on Heroic? What is a parse going to get you?


It’s coming right when Blizz said it would.


you are the stupid if you think that way of yours
1st what meta you’re being slave for? which one? are you running 139383 dk/warlock? because if you was then you should have down’d lk weeks ago Or are you talking about use what ever you can in general to clear the content because that’s a whole new issue.
2nd what disadvantage vs everyone else? no one care what are you doing and no one bother about your guild existence, and if you care about what are others doing then go seek help asap.
3rd the buff is not a nerf to content…you are dumb if you think that adding a buff to player which can be disabled is the same as a nerf to the raid.
4th ICC hc is a faceroll raid…and was cleared 14years ago by millions? and over all the re-release of classic since 2019 till now was only about “cheesing with class stack” and certain utility to avoid doing mechanics in many boss’s, are you even playing wow? because it’s funny if you’re ignorant about the world you’re in Yet you don’t want others to use something you don’t want to use.


You aren’t forced to do anything. If you don’t want the buff, then don’t use it.

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why don’t you just turn the boss to normal?

you can just turn heroic mode off


Doing that comes with a gear penalty, and has less interesting mechanics in some cases.

There’s no reason to lock gear behind a boss only a tiny fraction of the players will ever kill.

In a sane world the hardest difficulty would offer less gear to impose a harder challenge and normals would be the best way to gear up for them.

that has nothing to do with anything and for your knowledge the buff is for icc in general, So people who run normal icc will still chose to run it with or without the buff and people who run heroic will be able to choose to run with or without it.

Yeah, the buff effectively creates 4 difficulties

Easy (normal + buff), normal (no buff), harder (heroic + buff), and hardest (heroic no buff).

People just can’t handle hardest not making sure their character’s are geared better than those they feel are beneath them.

When they already are, because they got an 8 week head start…

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i mean u are an adult man, complaining you can’t get loot on a video game, for being worse that the video game, i don’t think you can really bring a maturity argument into it


the buff itself are meant to save time for those who doesn’t raid the same as the no lifers.

the buff’s original intention is to make people kill arthas, the current version is to help people prog heroics

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well you got till Dec 5th. clocks ticking. you absolutely can’t remove the buff and kill it without it at your own discretion