ICC BUFF needs to drop

Mouseover is a standard function of the game from day 1. Go troll somewhere else.


Dude this is a 15 year old game, the whole POINT of these classic servers is for people to experience content they weren’t able to the first time around.

It isn’t for people to have an opportunity to gatekeep and use imagination pixels as a form of false self-confidence.

It is a 15 year old video game dude lol, people have jobs, kids, mortgages they gotta worry about.

I don’t care if everyone experiences this content and kills lich king heroic, why should I?

I don’t get making this whole game about some arbitrary rng gatekept wall and then using that as some sort of false sense of self-identity and confidence.

Nobody cares I killed lich king, and it should stay that way. It is a video game for fun lol, a 15 year old video game for fun at that.

I find it so funny how some people like tie their “badassery” to WoW. It is kinda sad, also mind boggling.

Also the buff can be turned off, but we know nobody will do that. This is all about the haves and have nots.

If you want someone to be proud of your accomplishments in WoW go call your momma and let her know! Otherwise, it is literally just a video game for fun, not a vehicle for which low-self esteem fools who tie their self-worth to 15 year old video game progression and rng gear systems lol.


Not gonna lie chief. I like that less than 300 guilds have down H LK, and no sadly I haven’t killed it yet. 11/12

Spoken like somebody who has never made anyone proud.


It literally has nothing to do with any of the garbage you just said.

Its literally an optional difficulty you MANUALLY turn on for a more challenging raid than normal.

If you dont want the challenge turn it back to normal, im sorry that you think you deserve a participation trophy.

Blizzard i manually set the difficulty to heroic to make it harder but now i need a buff to make the harder difficulty i manually turned it to easier.

Yall are strange.

Just tell us you require the better items to fuel your dopamine withdraw that you dont fulfill with the 264 normal loot, thats what it really is.


You’re cringe.


Cringe is purposely making something harder to cry about how hard it is now and you deserve to beat it so you need a buff to make the content you purposely made harder easier.

Thats cringe.


Kinda has a point when you’re honest with yourself about it.

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So, think of the buff as a third difficulty that you can manually set.

You can play on easy (normal + buff), normal (normal + disabled buff), challenge (heroic + buff), or insane (heroic + buff disabled)

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the top two giving the same gear. At most Id add a cosmetic for beating it without the buff.

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This is a solid point. I don’t care really since Wrath is not my cup of tea, but asking for an easier version of hard mode doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.


if blizzard add the buff now! People who’s running Gdkp’s will hugely be effected for 2x reasons…

1-with the buff dropping casual guilds will start to catch up with those 11/12h gdkp’s which will allow many limited time players to be able to join those guilds instead of being forced to join those gdkp’s if they wanted fast full clear.

2-with the buff dropping there will be better environment for more gdkp’s to be formed which will compete vs the current gdkp’s and with less buyers in market that will make those who’s currently run gdkp’s lose gold.

so basically the 2x scenario will make current gdkp’s lose money and that’s slap to all those players who run gdkps to sell gold for cash ‘it’s their in real life income’.
Now you know why they hate the buff so much :wink:


I think it’s going to go both ways. It will allow more gdkps to get off the ground and kill heroic bosses, which will in turn affect the bottom line of well established 12/12H gdkps.

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Do you think 11/12 GDKPs are letting casuals in? Casuals don’t have gold and they don’t have the skill required to down the bosses, or they’d be doing it in their casual guild.

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atm maybe not all the 11/12
but casuals buy gold
as long as they’re rich they will find spot.

i quit raiding but there shouldnt be any buff imo, would feel better to earn what you can earn

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You warriors of pixel glory are so entertaining. You cannot deal with truth that your “glory” is worthless and goes poof as soon as you press that power button. :rofl:

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It literally has nothing to do with that.

Its crazy that you simply cant comprehend what people say and instead you just add your own opinion to what you think they are saying or how they feel and call it fact.

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Can’t help these people, they were raised wrong. Told to enforce poor values and bad mindsets encouraged.

Gimme or you are grief elitist mindset


You can turn the buff off.

Terrible argument, same as the RDF argument.

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