The buff kind of contradicts the purpose of the raid.
People go in they are manually setting the raid to the hardest difficulty on purpose but can’t beat it so they require a buff.
Then why did they send it to the hardest difficulty?
What’s the point of even getting the gear if you’re going to use the buff anyway that defeats the whole purpose of getting the gear…
Not everything needs to be beaten by everybody
I’m 41. Ain’t wasting time on re-progressing stuff thats already been done. It’s not like yall have new strats. It’s already been written. Just drop the buff.
If you think its a crutch, well you missed it the first time around and want to claim how good you are?
Ban weak auras.
Ban mouseover healing.
Ban code that simplifies the game.
WA is a crutch.
Play the game the right way.
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What does beating the content with a buff even do for you??
Don’t you feel bad for needing a handicap??
What’s the point of the gear then? It was supposed to be used to prog, you bypassed it using a buff.
You set the fight to the hardest setting but want to use a buff to make the content you made harder easier.
Make it make sense.
Already did it. Don’t want to put the effort in.
Where did the buff touch you that you are upset by it? Show me on the doll.
Make it make sense. This is old content. like decades old. calm yourself and think.
Show you have done it.
I highly doubt you beat heroic LK pre buff.
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To let people see the content. Think of it as the precursor to LFR.
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Normal is there for that, it’s the same content.
Beat LK on normal and it’s the same cinematic.
The buff works on normal mode too.
I know.
The buff shouldn’t exist period.
This is still when blizzard was handing out participation trophies tho.
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The buff is fine. Random pugs being able to clear normal ICC is peak Wrath socializing.
I’d be fine with normal but it shouldn’t exist on heroic.
The buff is fine for both and should be added by the time Ruby Sanctum is released.
Youre literally changing the raid to be harder on purpose but then asking for a massive nerf to the hard content that you made hard.
It makes 0 sense.
You’re so cool and edgy bro… I bet you’re a blast a parties.
Not sure how you got that.
Im just speaking facts, if you set it to heroic to be harder why do you need to nerf the content with a buff after you just made it harder lmfao.
It makes literally 0 sense.
People want loot. All they want is loot. They don’t care about anything else and not having the buff prevents them from having 284 loot. This is not new.
Unfortunately, ICC was the first raid where Blizzard tapped into harder content.
Spoiler alert: the following raids are harder and have no buff.
Can you see why some people want forever servers? Imagine Blizzard tells them they come without buff
just go normal if you want loot I dont see the issue
Unfortunately normal doesnt give the best loot. Should have highlighted it
Because blizzard puts the best gear there.
Hard difficulties for the sake of being hard only works when player power isn’t included in that loop.
If hard modes didn’t drop better loot, players would be content with sticking to normals if they didn’t want the added challenge.
Hard modes in ICC were designed to only be temporarily exclusive, and then slowly becomes more accessible so that other players could get the loot. It also lets players get to do some of the harder and more engaging mechanics while they are less brutally punishing to mistakes.
One or two super challenges are generally fine. I think a world where the buff never applied on the heroic lich king fight would be fine. It would leave one major trophy kill in place. It really just shouldn’t be almost the entirety of a tier’s worth of player power locked behind that high of a wall.
It usually causes players to quit more than push to improve. Difficulty increases have to be done very gradually in order for people to push through and develop grit. A switch from easy to hard for the top 1-10% is demotivating.
Buffs comin like it or not. Btw no one killed heroic lk without it in 2010. You’re not superior playing a long figured out game haha. The buff will just make it less of a slog now. Dont like it? Turn it off lol.
Summon the buff
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