ICC BUFF needs to drop

OR, you can wait the appropriate length of time before the assist gets introduced as a gradual 5% at a time, not the full 30 immediately. It’s not gatekeeping, people are supposed to want to be challenged. Otherwise what’s the point? I don’t know where we lost sight of that, now everyone demands instant gratification for minimal effort.

People are raised on the wrong values. Idk, must be a zoomer thing.

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It’s really sad.
Might as well demand 25m ICC loot for free and be done with it.
Thats what they want. No challenge or effort, just loot.
Gimme gimme gimme


it starts at 5% that is gonna be very little extra benefit to people unless they are on the cusp of getting it and just have had bad RNG luck with loot. they are not dropping the 30% right away it will be gradual ramp up till we have it all.

I’m aware of that. But folks feel entitled now, so I predict the increments will go a lot faster than it did in original WotLK.

You do realize the devs are gatekeeping you from the gear with the bosses right? Why would you blame the players for following the same design of the game? If the bosses were not gate-kept, this game would have died within the first year of 2004 because the game was not rewarding enough.


I really hope if they do put the buff they will make it so if you turn it off you get more loot and 100% invincible.

Because if there is no reward, nobody will ever turn it off.

the people asking for the buff probably do not progress past Saurfang


Hey they wiped 1-2 times and called it.

They really put their best foot forward and gave it their all.

They now deserve a 30% buff to beat the raid they manually made harder easier.


I cant wait till it comes and youre unhappy.


People wont be turning off the buff if it is available. Its about the same as everyone should keep their TOGC gear and raid with that to get the experience the first clear got killing LK. All that matters to like 90% of players out there is getting the purples.

I just remembered. Back in vanilla, didn’t blizzard feel bad about only 1% of the player base seeing naxx and so they started to try to make raid fights a bit easier and ultimately led to the decision to bring back naxx and implement a buff in ICC so people could see the end game bosses? Or was the buff just because people couldn’t even complete it on normal?

Blizzard said themselves (if I am remembering correctly) that they wanted more people to see fights instead of making them extremely hard so the buff in ICC does just that. Gets more people to see the content. So wanting the damage buff removed goes against the spirit of raiding/Blizzards mission.

A few will. Most will not.

Only those who care about a no buff kill will turn it off, which will be very few. And that is ok.

We won’t see 30% buff until spring most likely. Remember it ramps up. 5% coming December some time.

every single one of these threads are the same

“i did it in 2008!”
“this is 15 years old content and solved and easy”

→ progging heroic rotface or not playing at all

its boring really, i don’t personally care when a buff comes or doesn’t come but the delusion of some wow players is staggering, they literally cannot do the content and that’s why they are on the forums complaining about buffs, but in the same breath they call it easy and solved because someone being better than them at wow is a bitter pill and then they project it onto other people who say they don’t want a buff with “lmao no1 cares about your pixels dude” and the like, sad really, for people who have wives and mortgages and whatever else they claim to have they sure aren’t mature enough to handle it when a wow boss isn’t instantly lootable for 284 ilevel epics


11/12H on my main and we did around 40 attempts to get H PP down. Not against progression, but the buff is good for the game and I strongly support the idea of implementing it asap. Lost two guilds this phase one fell apart due to burnout and the other is hard stuck 4/12H.

Clearing everything but the LK just fine, guild doesn’t even want to start prog on him without the buff since he was designed with the buff in mind.

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geez thats a lot

Definitely want to see the buff.

Guild has been 12/12H since launch week.

Personal raid group is 11/12H, we are close to a kill on H LK and should get it this week. My group only raids 1 or 2 days per week 3 to 4 hours depending on wind conditions.


too early to release buff

maybe next jan or february, or when they release ruby sanctum

You have Heroic Gunship down, that’s it. I’m currently wiping on 25m Heroic LK as I’m typing this:




Why not just kill it at 0?

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