ICC BUFF way to early Guild still in progress

did you panic when i mentioned that your number one worry is that your irl income is in danger? xD because you horribily said 2x mistakes.

1st i never said bene doesn’t have many gdkps that clear 11/12…i said the buff will make more gdkps exist which can clear 11/12&12/12 and over all that will lower the buyer market for your gdkp.

2nd…i lold about this part

“will make current gdkp’s lose money and that’s slap to all those players who run gdkps to sell gold for cash ‘it’s their in real life income’.” check the date… that was before blizzard even announce the buff.

it’s not that i want to disagree with you…I just know for fact how you real money traders think & it was so expected that you hate on the buff when you see it coming, you would do that even if it’s coming in many more weeks :wink:

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