I would rather shove a sharp stick into my ear

Have not completed any dailies in the maw and never plan to. Nothing in there I want or need. They can keep whatever they put in there in the future. Nothing is worth going in that horrible place.

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Don’t change the argument. You stated that maw rep doesn’t affect player power. It does. It may not matter to you, but you don’t get to dictate how much or how little it affects other players.

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No, you just want to argue. Bad content is bad and should be called out.

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I did call it out. I said it was bad. I didn’t say that people shouldn’t call it out.

You have the option to ignore it.

If someone decides that it matters that much, they should put in the effort to get the reward. The power increase is minimal at best, and absolutely not necessary. That is the player making a choice.


You’re solution is to ignore it instead of wanting Blizzard to do something about it?

I dont mind putting in effort. I like being rewarded for effort too. But, the Maw is a bad zone. The quests are boring and inane, the time requirement to travel the zone strictly without a mount is a patented Blizzard time sink. Pointing this out and asking for change isn’t something I consider a negative.


It makes sense when you want to pay gold for mythic raid gear that you also hate the maw, which requires a bit of effort and is slightly annoying. :wink:

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You do love putting words in my mouth, don’t you?

I never said that Blizzard shouldn’t fix it. You can complain until the cows come home, but the ultimate decision is up to Blizzard.

You can leave your feedback, but until Blizzard decides to act upon said feedback, your options are to ignore it or continue doing content you obviously don’t like.

All quests are boring and inane, especially daily quests. There’s only a hand full of them to choose from. Of course they’re gonna get stale quickly.

You can get the corridor creeper right now, at this very minute and solve that problem.


Dailies are bad. I don’t like them. I say don’t reward power from them.

You say, well just don’t do them. Like bro, I want to play this game and enjoy it. I want my character to be powerful. It is not a lot to ask for the path to upgrade my characters power level to not be less engaging than actually staring at a brick wall. How can you possibly believe what you are saying.


You can be powerful without gem slots lmao. They’re a minor increase at best. They are absolutely not required. Many guilds have beaten the hardest content in the game without them.


Dailies have been this way forever. If it was actually difficult get the upgrades more people would cry about that than this. Imagine if to get the thing for sockets you had to kill mythic denathrius. You and every other pvper or mythic+ers tears would blot out the sun.


Would you rather go to the maw or get an anal swab test for covid

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your point? This game is an addiction machine built on tiny power increases. That is why most people play the game. You open ur loot get ur gear and feel good.

You finish ur maw dailies for the MONTH, get ur socket, feel like you want to die.

I have the corridor creeper, refer to previous comment being rewarded for effort. It, however, wasn’t available for the first many weeks, which is about the time period I really extremely soured on the maw. I still do my dailies, because the content I enjoy doing has me try to eek out as much player power as I can get, but the maw still sucks. Period.

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Then they’d say “i’d rather kill mythic danny than do the maw” like they were ever gonna clear him in the first place.

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Then don’t do them :+1: I never go to the maw.

Why all of wow and not just stay away from the place he doesn’t like?

…yeah. People would correctly be annoyed. Raiders would be annoyed too. Plenty of us are grinding for the sockets to gain an edge to clear the raid on mythic.

I agree the maw/Torghast sucks but the Maw makes me more angry then depressed.

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You really believe this? The break suggestion isn’t a bad one then. Maybe not the game but just ignore the maw for a while… I’ve never felt remotely like this at all and when it feels too much like a job I unsub. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I’ll chose this.