I would rather shove a sharp stick into my ear

Please explain it to me. Why is the maw a zone in the game?

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the soul ash it siphons from players as they enter and drag their way through day after day is used for torghast drops. thats how bad the maw is

Feb. 1st canā€™t come fast enough. Iā€™m done with this game for good and all.

Exactly, defend everything BLIZZ poops.
Sadly MVP is not being given to people at this time.

Even METRO hasnt touched this thread and you are trying to 1up him.


Ah yes, asking questions is def defending blizzard.

You said people who defend the maw donā€™t understand, and I was asking you to explain.

The fact that you canā€™t is pretty telling.

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One, donā€™t make light of people who actually do need therapy for depression. Two, yeahā€¦ cause itā€™s been ā€œyearsā€ since the Maw content started. Guess what?? You donā€™t have to do it. I havenā€™t been in there in at least a week.

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and for good reason imagine if we had 50 MVPs on every thread being like the meeps from spongebob


Shoot, I hate the Maw and Iā€™m still curious as to what he means lol


Even he doesnā€™t know what he means

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The fact that you cant see that

  1. Maw is zone you start leveling from 50-51 for story progression
  2. You need to venari rep for
    a. Permanent upgrades for torghast
    b. Socket
    c. Anima powers in torghast
    d. Did I mention story progression
    3.It was one of the 5 zones they advertised
  3. Legendaries
  4. Weeklies(yes lies)
  5. Chance for loot from Mobs

This is patch 0 of the expac, this zone will remain relevant for another 3 patches. Imagine the pain for the next 366 days doing this cr*p.

You are so far up BLIZZ behind, you cant even see a few of the reasons the zone is mandatory.

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optional, and the same as the first one you listed

I guess, but story progression in the maw is braindead easy

Not sure how it doesnā€™t fit the category? It is a zone you that you can go to.

The maw has literally nothing to do with legendaries

Optional and minimal time investment/easy as heck

What loot in particular are you referring too? All mobs drop loot.


The Maw can definitely feel like a chore, especially if you donā€™t have the mount. Itā€™s an ugly zone that one can grind out to unlock stuff from Veā€™nari. Even Iā€™m at a point where I stopped questing out there each day. Your claim does seem a bit extreme though. I, for certain, would rather do Maw dalies than irreparable damage to my ear.

I know itā€™s most likely just an expression of frustration though. I hope you feel better.

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sad part is only 1 person has said they enjoy maw dailies in even the slightest degree.

but it is pretty funny listening to the blizz simps do what they do.

The forum is like 50 people total dude

you like maw dailies? :slight_smile:

If not, why do you keep telling those of us who hate them that we are wrong for having this opinion.

Have you even done any of them yet?

You could just stay in that area down the hill from the portal to get your souls. Thereā€™s not much of a threat in that area and the souls quickly respawn. Itā€™s not like youā€™re being forced to go into PH or the BWs.

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I donā€™t, but I donā€™t do them, because I donā€™t have to do them.

In fact I donā€™t like any dailies, so I donā€™t do any dailies.

I donā€™t feel the need to do content that I hate and then cry about doing content that I hate.

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The only thing I really dislike about the Maw is having to retrieve my Stygia when I die. Iā€™ve had a couple of times where I died in a spot really tough to get back to and Iā€™ve had to just cut my losses. Kinda reminds me of EQ and not in a good way. Other than that, itā€™s not that bad. Yes, the Maw is unpleasant. Itā€™s supposed to be.

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You are sad BLIZZ SHILL.


one of the items.

For more info


so you donā€™t do them, you donā€™t like them. Lol what you even posting for. Just to argue?