I would rather shove a sharp stick into my ear

That’s the scary part…

Did you fail to see what I quoted, or did you erroneously think I was referring to your OP?

I see you are doubling down on the embarrassing behavior though, nice. +1


Yes but that would involve going outside and we know gamers dont

Hear me out.

Instead of throwing a fit and kicking and screaming, how about you wait until we know what the rewards are later down the line, and then see if it’s even worth it.

BS, fake news!! It takes you longer than 30 seconds to get to the first soul, which is straight out the cave and down the cliff. So, “Literally” Wrong! And yes, it take maybe 5 minutes running back and forth, “at prime, time”. Ever think that maybe someone else can’t play at prime time. No, because it’s all about you.

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I play at like six in the morning my dude

You have the worst condescending attitude that comes through your posts but I agree with you… Its not mandatory “yet”. Just don’t do it…

you agree with the guy who thinks nobody should ever say anything bad about WoW. lul keep trying youll get that mvp some day!

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The dailies suffer from very low rep rewards coupled with high ‘eye of the jailor’ hate. Not worth the time or aggravation to do them. I’ll eventually get exalted with V by doing the weeklies.


It’s optional content and most times takes less than an hour to complete them all including travel time.

But if you have any reknown at all, it’s 15 a week by now.

Okay, I was just replying to the 30 seconds. I was in the Maw last night with a guild mate and it took 10 minutes going back and forth. I personally have no problem with the Maw but I can see how some people would.

It takes less than an hour to do them, as I said I am less than 2k from finishing the rep and I have spent far more time doing other activities in the game than I have in the Maw. If you manage your time well, you can complete the dailies and grind out a few rares for extra rep before you reach stage 5.

45 mins per dayish. For how many days? All of that time your brain is leaking out of your skull from lack of stimulation.

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I do? lmao your ability to read minds isn’t working today.


Well they are about as stimulating as doing the daily callings. I mean what do you expect?

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and the same for blizz white knights. love those brownie points. want those green tags

but to opposite you, they become more and more irrelevant

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I expect decently engaging content especially considering this is supposed to be for the absolute min/maxers. People who already have their gear maxed or near maxed. This is it’s main flaw. They create a system intended for hardcore players, and yet it’s far easier than any other form of content.

Even putting big stygia rewards for twisting nether would be better than this, Even tho torghast is dog easy at least it’s something slightly different


To all the bleeps who say its optional, they dont even understand why the maw is a zone in game.

Too many BLIZZ SHILLS trying to LIE.

These SHILLS dont play the game, they are here on the forums all the time trying to defend BLIZZ. I am surprised DIRELASH hasn’t shown up, yet.

I mean to be fair…the maw SUCKS.