I would rather shove a sharp stick into my ear

I got 15 in a few minutes this week.
Which says a lot. Its a quick quest that annoys me enough that I dread those 180 seconds worse than the thought of a social disease.

I can get five souls in that fast, yes.

It’s really not hard.

I am curious of what’s behind the gates of Daesomaeton.

So far, that 20% Frost Damage is OPAF and the zone is closed.

I sincerely hope the maw is not tied to flying
 that would be too much to consider.


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Imagine the Jailer adding Anti-flying mechanics like that worm from the great beyond


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lol. I was going to respond to that posters joke comment, but decided not to.
As if end game raiding and such is the ONLY reason to play this game, lol.
The ego.

I’d rather do the maw than BS rep grinding

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To be fair, the worm didn’t do much to prevent players from flying to begin with.

Me too the place is horrible. If it slows my progress for not doing it then that adds another of many negative marks I have given this expansion. Horrible systems designs period --probably the worse overall systems design of any expansion even BFA.

It was still a nuisance though.

There was a story that the worm LITERALLY CHASED AFTER ME.

Granted it was my fault though for flying too close but the scene of GIANT FREAKING WORM CHASING AFTER YOU was pretty scary, not gonna lie.

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Sure, but the OP didn’t complain that he was being forced to do it, he just said he didn’t enjoy it. So comments about whether it’s optional or not are kind of irrelevant.


How does it slow your progression lmao

The only player power from the maw are gem sockets, which are absolutely not required.

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I never actually knew they can chase you. I just spent all my time flying 4 stories off the ground. :thinking:

There is also a covenant calling that sends you into the Maw again, I think it’s Sunday’s calling. But yes, Maw dailies are optional. Unless you want to run Torghast, which is also optional but you still need rep to get some of the Torghast upgrades.

Me I go into the Meh once a week to get my souls for reknown and I am done .

If I end up going back it is because I have a :yellow_square: ! quest sending me there, like the kill 3 rare ones this week .

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I also stopped doing callings because of this reason. Granted, callings worth varies depending on the server economy.

I tend to do them more often as raid consumables are getting cheaper. Callings give lucrative amount of enough gold for me to sustain myself.

IF i find it slows my progress later which it seems sockets and conduit upgrades come from there. Well that will suck. Don’t panic yet Blizzard defender it will be ok.

Ok, now you are really embarrassing yourself. :rofl:


yeah bro :laughing: having opinions is so CRRINGGGE amirite lmao :100:

Well, I enjoy the Maw.

I like that there are things to do, but I can’t do them for very long before the Jailer kills me.

I like to push the limits and see how close I can get to sudden death and still get out alive. At the same time, I need to be sure if I die, I can get back to my body to recover my Stygia.

I use Goblin Gliders and the Stealth elixirs when I can and I love stealing the Maw Rider Mounts.

It’s easy stuff to do until I push too far and gather more than I can handle and I’m always heading back when I see o e more rare
and I’m thinking, maybe I can get him. Lol.