I would rather shove a sharp stick into my ear

I mean I do resonate that the Maw kinda sucks.


Not this bad.


So is making irrelevant comments on the forums.

Why would they change anything if you’re gonna pay them regardless?

If you get a hair in your pizza every time you order from a place, do you keep ordering from them?

THey know you won’t quit, so they’re not gonna fix anything.

The maw is here to stay, it’s going to become more relevant in the expansion.

this isn’t a hair, or a finger or anything that big in my pizza. They just didn’t put enough sauce or something. I tell the owner I would like some more sauce plz, not boycott the restaurant.

Oh I forgot you did a door to door survey on that fact right? Let’s be honest a second, you have no god damn clue how popular or unpopular something is. All you have is the opinions of the most vocal players.

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My tinnitus started screaming at me from the title alone lol.

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There’s no point in arguing with this person because he basically doesn’t even play end game content.

“No, our sauce is fine, and in fact, we may use even less sauce because it’s what our company wants”

I mean isn’t the Maw kinda is optional though?

EDIT: Well… at least people do them for Torghast upgrades and Torghast is another topic entirely.

Ehh, while i’m not much of a fan of less content, that being World quests and such, and the aesthetic is pretty meh, i do dig the rare and treasure hunting (and like how it ties into rep), and i do somewhat like the idea of the Eye of the jailor mechanic, bringing an interesting idea to the table for how the villians work in Wow, where instead of the stagnate enemies you seen about, the jailor will take notice of you and send more and more minions and such atfer you. The Losing your Stygia upon death though, i never really like losing your stuff upon Death.

All and all, The Maw is pretty hit and miss for me, considering the obvious star of the zone is Torghast. I don’t hate it or love it, i’m just ambivalent to it.

Actually, I like the maw. Try using the consumables Space Ana sells. They actually make getting around the maw easier. Weird, I know.

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I strictly pvp broham. How u think i got even 210 ilvl doing like a single m+ this season

You sohuld’ve seen me in bfa i was on a tirade 24/7 against forced brainless pve content for power boosts

Hmmm, actually you do. If you want to play this xpac, you have to get souls from the Maw for renown for covenant.

I’m talking about the guy I replied to.

That’s pretty much the minimum and that’s a weekly thing rather than daily thing.

OP is talking about Maw Dailies.

I should probably reiterate that you don’t have to do Maw Dailies. You don’t have to do Maw Weeklies either if you reached to the point of apathy.

I don’t do them I do the weekly stuff them I’m out of that literal hellhole

lmao. Just a stick ? thats kiddie play.
Ive tried to ram a rail road spike in there.
I just dont do those quests at all. And Ive stopped taking any from the annoying NPC in there too.

Literally 30 seconds a week

Key words!

Is it really 30 seconds? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: