I would rather shove a sharp stick into my ear

How exactly is some rando on the internet supposed to address a complaint of this place sucks? Its a pretty rational thing to suggest that a person who isn’t enjoying what they are doing, to stop doing it.


Perhaps you want to reevaluate yourself from that first statement.

Do you really like the optional content for min maxing? I don’t think the Maw dailies is the worst thing we’ve ever gotten. It’s pretty bad in terms of dailies and what not.

Also, you don’t want to optimize the fun out of the game. A lot of people are burning out because of it. I don’t think that’s not how Shadowlands has been designed.

Shadowlands has a lot of flaws. Sure. But ultimately it’s in your discretion to enjoy it however you can. It seems like you don’t with the Maw and probably you should do something else.

I am at less than 2k from being done, well at least with the rep grind. I only have about 21k of the currency.

Well what do you want me to say about this?.. :point_down:

If he goes more into detail, i’l gladly address it, because right now, i have no idea what’s his problem is specifically here so i can offer a solution here. It’s just “I hate the maw” and that’s it with nothing else to expand upon here.

To put it short, there’s nothing to address here. What do you want me to say or do here? :confused:

funny thing is neither you nor anyone else in this thread has even considered actually defending maw dailies.

You just like to argue LOL you probly hate them too!

Perhaps you should agree that it does stink as content then make the suggestion to take a break.

Just telling them to take a break implies there isn’t anything wrong with the content.

Can i ask why you keep on assuming i like or dislike stuff based on my arguments?

If not, can you go into detail about why you hate the maw and maybe i’l respond with something more substantive?

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I do hate them, so I don’t do them. Ironically it’s nothing to do with the maw and everything to do with dailies.

That’s the beauty of this game, if I don’t like content, I don’t do it.


yah well rather than having the same awful daily grind that literally nobody likes every expansion, maybe voicing our distaste for it is a viable solution too?

You realize you pay money for this game?

Drama queen, much?

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there you go spose u missed that post

Here’s problem with that chief.

The game does not revolve around you.

If they change the game to suit you, they unsuit it for someone else.

How do you decide who to balance it towards?

and yet, not a single person is willing to defend this content. There is no redeeming factor. I have NEVER met someone who enjoys it. lul

The forums are a tiny part of the community. And even if literally every player hates it, the say comes down to Blizzard.

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Not by time metrics.

There is nothing wrong with the dailies themselves. People just dislike the Maw limitations and the chance they could lose stygia. The dailies are not any more difficult than those outside the Maw, it just is more inconvenient because you can’t mount up to them. But you can purchase the unlocks to use the various teleport methods, which tend to be in the ball park of most daily quest areas.

Obviously. And how do you expect me to voice my opinion that I and the majority of players have including yourself seemingly, without making this thread?

They don’t care about my twitter posts dog I’m not a streamer.

Unsub and tell them why you unsubbed in the survey you get when you unsub, and hope others do the same.

Vote with your wallet.

Any particular reason your making it about me here and what i think about the Maw? Like seriously, why do you two think what my opinion of the maw has to do with the suggestion i’m making to him?

I’m not telling him take a break from WoW because of the maw, i’m telling him to take a break because he’s being upset from something going as far to maim himself. I understand exaggerations a thing, but if something personally makes me upset in a video game, whether it be good or bad, i just take a break.

How’s taking a break implies there’s nothing wrong? Can you explain that one?

Then actually voice your distaste. Go into detail on why you hate it. Just saying “i hate it” doesn’t help to improve the game in any meaningful way.

So you’re problem is, the difficulty being too easy. At least it’s something, so let’s talk about that.

I personally don’t mind the easy difficulty there (well i say easy in the loose of terms here considering you can lose Stygia upon dying and the eye of the jailer mechianic) but i can understand how it can be a turnoff for some people where it becomes so easy, it gets a little mind numbing. Personally speaking, i think the Maw should at least have a bit more going into it, like a giant monster that roams around the Maw, or something like that.

“Just quit” is not a valid argument. The rest of the game is fine. There is nothing wrong with voicing distaste for an aspect of the game that you would be foolish to argue most people dislike.