I would rather shove a sharp stick into my ear

True that. I’d rather do bastion wqs for the rest of this expansion without flying than maw. I wouldn’t be surprised if part of “pathfinder” will be to be best friend with whatever the name of that npc is in maw…

To be fair, the OP did offered a bit more substantive criticism then just pointless complaining. Albeit later on this thread and not in the OP, but there ya go.

haha i offered a few solutions, not going to repeat them all for you, but you’re just a troll who loves to argue with anything, so I doubt you’ll look for it urself either. Oh well!

If you like the maw daily system, can you please explain what you like about it. What makes it fun and engaging to you?

Look at his weapon enchant, that is all you need to know on how many brain cells he actually has.

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if you’d done a bit more homework you’d see my legendary is for disc as well :wink:

Would those be these comments by any chance? :point_down:

You know, spelling errors aside, reading the entire thread, trying to find the solutions you have said, the way you talk to other people, including me in this comment and the other comments, gives me the vibe that you’re not here to discuss feedback.

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Feedback was left, that person wanted to just argue. Now do you want to argue?

not here to discuss with trolls like yourself, no.

Anyone who enjoys maw dailies I am willing to hear their input. If nothing else to shine a different light on the content. The literal 2 people who have said they’ve enjoyed maw dailies I did indeed read and not criticize them for their opinion.

If your argument is “just don’t do it” or “its optional bro” everything you type is worthless to me. I know its optional my friend.

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Is saying what OP essentially said “This sucks” is substantive feedback?

If i left something like that for example, on the newest star wars movie, what is suppose to tell the creators and people other then i think it’s bad?

Just because it’s a person’s opinion, it doesn’t mean you’re disallowed to respond to it.

You’re pretty much labeling him as a contrarian and such because he gave an answer to the feedback OP given.

What do you want him to say to that?..

Their dailies, what can i say about them really? Their not terrible, but nothing special either. As i said before, i have mixed opinions on the Maw as a whole.

To go a bit more in-depth: i do enjoy the rare and treasure hunting in this game and the Maw is no exception and i just don’t mind the dailies in this game. Though a lot of Dailies are hit and miss a lot of the times.

Except, that’s not my original point. My original point is if you rather do something dangerous then play something you dislike in a video game, you should take a break, simply because, maiming yourself over a video game, or one part of it… that isn’t good idea to do.

I will amend that and say you should take a break from the Maw and not leave the WoW in any shape or form if it’s causing you frustrations. (i don’t have to clear this up, but apparently you think taking a break means quitting the game in it’s entirely)

I don’t know why you must instantly jump to the conclusion that i’m defending Blizzard and the Maw here when i made explicit at this point that i have mixed opinions about it.

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Being optional doesn’t make it suck any less.

It DOES suck. What else is there to say? I’ve said it sucks because you can’t mount there and that seems like a spiteful anti-fun feature.

An opinion requires a thought or idea. All that person said was “it’s optional don’t do it”. Not an opinion at all.

Because all he’s doing is arguing for the sake of arguing. Much like you’ve decided to do.

I just don’t do the Maw, thankfully it’s optional.

I go there to get my souls for the weekly and that’s it.

I hardly ever do Maw dailies. I will someday, though.

Why are players saying the maw is optional when you need stygia for sockets?

You all don’t care about sockets? Thats like saying you don’t care about soul ash or legendaries.

maw dailies suck. I refuse to do it on my alts, they’ll just be unsocketed scrubs.
and, to be fair, I rarely do dailies of any sort on alts anyway. chores just aren’t my idea of fun.

I generally never push higher than 15 on them or heroic raiding anyway so who cares.

my main though… to the maw. every day. at least he’s a druid.

You know Veleth, i think i’m in somewhat of an agreement with you. I think it’s more due to the fact i’ve grown accustomed to mounting to places and whenever i needed to go somewhere fast, i always instinctively pull up my mount only to find it’s disallowed. It’s one of the things where we could’ve done without in the Maw.

I do have to wonder this myself here, how does having a mount in the Maw, makes it fun to somebody who hates the Maw? How’s increased movement speed essentially makes it better? It will certainly make it faster. This is something i’m always at a cross here, where this “making traveling point A to point B very fast= fun” or “getting to point a to point b very fast = fun”, and this applies to a lot of the things in this game.

… You do realize i was talking about OP’s opinion?..

No opinion is disallowed from being responded and criticized. In OP’s case, it’s the lack of substantive feedback.

Offering appropriate solutions depending on how much substantive feedback (or lack there of) is there isn’t arguing for the sake of it…

It would suck less to be there? Not sure about your logic here. The maw is basically just like any other zone except you can’t mount in it. If you could mount in it then it would be just like any other zone. THEN you would need to narrow your complaint to be more specific at that point.

What could possibly be different about the maw that could make people hate it…let me think…OH that’s right you can’t mount there.

Every single bit of content in wow is optional. Wow itself is optional. Nobody needs to play it. It was a non-response and you know it.

So you’re saying it will make the experience much more tolerable if you spent less time to get to places.

That’s fine to think that, i just personally think the content itself, should be improved instead of being made faster or shorter (or slower and longer).

How should i improve the Maw? I would put in World quests, treasures with cosmetics all over the place, maybe nerf the eye of the jailer by 20%, have some secret quests, maybe some puzzles here and there, 3 “Assassin’s” that are tough to kill and uses the Mythic Island AI that drop gear or other rare loot, make it cross faction off-Warmode and add in an item that allows you to PvP with any player, much like Censer of Eternal Agony on-Warmode and get their Sygia.

I’m pretty sure no other Zone has a mechianic like Eye of the Jailor. And i think there’s only a few zones that allow you to lose your currency upon death, but outside of a couple of PvP Zones, none come to mind other then the Maw.

If the OP has said that, it would be a least better then just saying “it sucks”. Also there’s 2 more things that make the Maw different, but i digress.


Again, what do you want him to say to this?.. What do you want him exactly to say to this?.. How does this feedback that OP gave in his OP in particular help anybody to begin with?

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Why do you think people still make flying threads?

And on top of those two other punishing mechanics, you can’t mount. The zone sucks.

People get passionate about wow. The OP hates the maw. What other possible reasons could he have other than the extremely punishing restrictions on the zone. It was designed to be a place that is just not fun. In a video game, that’s a very bad thing.

Why are you bringing up this?.. I mean, much of the same can be applied to Flying. If you think the game isn’t good without flying, then how is flying going to fix it?

How does getting point a to b much faster makes it better? not tolerable, better? How does it make the content better?

I ask you this because simply speeding up the content or slowing it down, does not make the content any better, it just makes it faster or slower. It’s pretty much how i felt with WoW’s leveling and how it keeps on being faster and faster each expansion pack.

Same here. I get passionate about things too. But that’s not really a valid excuse to just say “it sucks” without no feedback to boot. Especially when you consider there are people who are passionate about this game, that can articulate or explain their thoughts in a way where people can understand why they think something needed to be improved or why they think it’s bad.

Can you have it be really short? of coarse. It doesn’t need to be a novel. You can just say “I think the Maw sucks because the maw disallows me to mount up, losing your currency is punishing, the eye of the jailor is too difficult and the dailies are boring.” And have it all be explained in the next paragraph down. If OP just have said that in his OP, Godsmack, i and other people who disagreed or told him to take a break will give a different responses to that.

Define fun? I mean, what’s fun in this instance? What’s fun to you here?

I ask, because what’s fun to me here is killing enemies to get loot and treasure hunting, as well collecting Rewards. I don’t know what you think is fun here enough to understand the problem and work together to come up with a solution here in a way that Blizzard will understand.