I would rather shove a sharp stick into my ear

Pathetic is torturing yourself by doing content you hate and then crying about it on the forums.



Hahahah you are playing STRANDS in SL. hahahahahahahaha

I meant whatever the updated 40 man bg is. Not AV, but the other one. Isle of conquest

Just getting back into PvP

Hahaha by playing STRANDS.

I meant Isle of Conquest

Also did my maw dailies for the first time in a while ironically enough

So you are doing OPTIONAL CONTENT that you OBVIOUSLY donā€™t find fun.
How sad? Yet you are here supporting boring content. HYPOCRITE!

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Indeed I am, and I did so because I chose to do so, not because I felt that I had to do it.

I have the free will to do whatever I want in game.

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hey you may not have the skill or experience, but at least you have the arrogance part down.

At least Iā€™m not throwing a temper tantrum over a video game :man_shrugging:

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yeah i got venari to appreciative to make torghast easier and thatā€™s it lol, i canā€™t justify grinding anymore

Should get the mount so you can do them in like 20 minutes.

Yeah. Thatā€™s why you are doing STRANDS. You are just bored and cant even play the BG, you have to run to FORUMS for interaction.

How SAD is your situation that you cant get fun in game, in a pvp situation nonetheless or pve in maw so you come to forums to FUN aspect trying to convince others how they should play while spouting

You suck at interwebs , wow and sadly trolling!

You are ideal candidate for IGNORE going forward.

I guess that depends on your definition of, ā€œoptionalā€. Many players believe required content means content that buffs your character in any way. Maw dailies give sockets and sockets can be pretty immense power gains. So yes, if you believe power gains are required the Maw is certainly ā€œrequiredā€ content.

I also do not do themā€¦but I like to keep sharp sticks out of my ears.

You are conveniently ignoring my correction, but thatā€™s okay. I know reading can be difficult sometimes.

Not sure where you got the idea Iā€™m not having fun in game pal. Just the other day I made a post about enjoying torghast.

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These people act like literally green conduits arenā€™t better than some maxed ones with how theyā€™re designed. You canā€™t target specific ones to upgrade either so theyā€™re whining about being forced to play the conduit upgrade lotto. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Well if something in a video game make you so mad to a point where you want to maim yourself, it would normally be the best idea is to take a break from the video game in itā€™s entirely. Not quitting, just a break.

Though you do have a point that you can just take a break from the Maw and just do other things.

Why take a break when you can whine on the forums and then troll people who suggest you leave real feedback and not just hyperbole laced QQ?

Why not let people say ā€œjust take a breakā€ and such without being labeled and such as a ā€œdefenderā€ and such?

Nobody is drowning out your feedback, we donā€™t have that kind of power to do that.

And mind you, this was the original feedback youā€™ve givenā€¦

Read the entire thread. All the anti maw people are complaining yet refuse to offer actual feedback. Its about venting and trolling for them I think. They donā€™t even know what would make it better for them, just that they donā€™t like it.

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