I would rather shove a sharp stick into my ear

Tough talk. Bet you wouldn’t actually do it though.

Incorrect, see above. And to explain, conduits are the little items you put in your soulbind tree. You know, those things that massively increase player power?

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Many guilds have cleared mythic castle without gems or conduit upgrades.

They are not the reason you are not killing bosses.

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bro i dont kill bosses cuz i dont pve. I just wanna play arena and I’m doin aight but I’m missing out on power. If I want the juicy power boost I gatta do the maw that’s all there is to it.

You’re not losing matches because of gem slots.

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literal walked into the arena player talking to me about arena.

You’re not losing arena matches because of gem slots tho.

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you have no idea what you’re talking about. beyond 80+ stats im missing huge conduit upgrades.

Youre right, I’m not as good as they are. So, I try to make my character more powerful so I can get an edge in killing bosses. Should we just hard cap everyone at whatever Limit was wearing when they got world first since, based on your argument, thats all you need to kill bosses? Such a stupid argument, dude.

They make less than a 1% difference.

Git gud instead of crying about gems.

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keep ignoring conduits my guy. maw is only gonna get worse because you and your brethren keep saying nah bro it’s cool just don’t play the game.

The best way to get an edge is to optimize your play.

That will help way more than gems will.

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You. Are. Being. A. Contrarian.

Arguing for no reason. Your comments are NOTHING but trying to provoke people into arguing. Congratulations, you got me and plenty others. I’m done with you.

Just think, it’s literally that easy to be done with the maw too.


Gutsmack is more in the FORUMS than in Game (FUN).

I guess he is right about everything being optional including PLAYING the GAME.

Denial is one of the 1st symptoms.

Watch the instant reply to this message from someone playing the game. hehehehehe

Strand of the Ancients has not been in the game for sometime

GOOD TRY , playing a BG that is not in the game,.

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Bro I’ve been playing this entire time

Literally in a strands game at this very moment.

I mean, try doing better than a +2 before telling me to optimize my play next time, my dude.

0 pve experience, 0 pvp experience telling people much better and more invested in the game than yourself to git gud. Pathetic lmao

I don’t have to do high end content to know that the best way to beat fights is to be as optimal as possible.

These bosses are killable right now, just need to be good enough to do it.

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I want a talent that gives the option for SND removal for Sin Rogue please I will do 5 maw dailies for it