I Would Like The Ability to "Block" People From Adding Me As A Friend In-game

Evilmuffin happy:

Evilmuffin mad:



We all have to have some kind of hobby. :rofl: :rofl:

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I know some of the people called this OP a troll and even some dismissed them based on irrelevant things, (Hmm, i wonder who would do that ) but honestly, i think my thread should have more awareness for things like this really. Trolling or otherwise.

That i can’t really help with, especially since it doesn’t even work for me half the time.

But i will help you with the rest here. :slight_smile:

More ways to avoid human interaction, pog.

Just a thought - do any of your roleplay group members have a second (or multiple) accounts? If so, they can use the second account to pull y’all to a different realm maybe, by having a character on a different realm set up a party or raid group? That would put the kibosh on the derpy trolls.


I think you should probably move on with your day.

I think it’s a good idea to leave this thread here incase if anybody wants to know how to block unwarranted bnet friends.

Even if OP is trolling, it would still be helpful to those who genuinely need it.

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We’ve done things like that and used instance content as well. The biggest issue is when these individuals follow us to group events that merge two or more groups and are by design open world and are walkup as well. This ruins any chance for interaction with other roleplayers outside our group.

I’m a bit confused on how anyone thinks I’m even trolling. My request isn’t designed to hurt any group of people and is simply an option a player would have.


You are throwing around standard buzzword like stalking and toxicity in a topic about friends lists and btags. That is standard formula for trolling in recent times.

and players can see what alts you have from the armory

I said “If”.

I would assume it’s more or less because you used some certain terms that other people who were trolling in the past has made a habit of using, that gave off the impression that you’re not being entirely genuine or not exactly coming from a good place here or… hyperbolic for the sake of it. Impressions doesn’t mean you actually think this.

And not to assume, but they also seem to think this is a common enough answer to find on google or Blizzard makes these sorts of tools i’ve listed off in my thread known and common to find if such a situation arises, but to my acknowledge, my (not the only one, just to my knowledge) thread exists for addressing these types of issues.

I can tell you right now looking at your OP, the topic at worst is just poorly worded. The idea itself is fine.

Again this topic is only loosely related to btags, this is more about the in-game friends list feature and not to be confused with the battle tag feature. I’m talking about stalking because that’s what is happening. Would one not consider stalking toxic?


I mean, i personally wouldn’t call looking at people who willingly consented to a friend request to be stalking either.

I would consider reserving the usage of the term for something more serious then that.

I think we’re having a misunderstanding here…I am not talking about battletags but the other in-game version of friends where you just add someone and you get notified of their location and when they are online no request needed.


the ‘off line’ thing doesnt hide you from being seen with that?

Ahh, that one.

Yeah, there’s really nothing to do about that, other then just laugh at that person wasting their time putting you on the “friends” bar. Until Blizzard realizes it’s not 2004 anymore and removes it.

I want to say there’s an Addon for that and should be, but that carries the implication that addons can access to other player’s social lists and… .yeah. Happening it isn’t. :grimacing:


I’m pretty sure it doesn’t unfortunately.

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well that sucks. I thought showing me ‘offline’ wouldnt let anyone see that I was actually playing the game currently.


If they are a btag friend they won’t see you online through btag. But if they have you friended with the ancient version or look you up with /who I’m pretty sure that they see you regardless.


I don’t really care, people are free to think what they want. I just explained that the second you drop the word toxic you are going to lose people’s attention.