I Would Like The Ability to "Block" People From Adding Me As A Friend In-game

stalks Evilmuffin and wiggles toes

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oh, I see. So its pointless to use. Id only want it to keep everyone from seeing me.
Some joker yesterday started friending me in Panda Isle…the starting zone for god sake. lol.
I tell him politely that im a solo player. So he sends them after I logged off, evidently.

Well now, that would just be funny, lol.

I can just imagine me running back to back keys, go to the summoning stone and have random toes wiggling at me from behind the stone. They would then zip out of sight, and giggles could be heard, fading away.

Here are kitten toes for everyone to enjoy!


You have posted, wisely.
hugs Evilmuffin and wiggles toes

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Technically this is a “new feature”, but I posted it as a bug HERE because it sure feels like an oversight if they have an option to block spam guild invites, but no option to block spam calendar invites.

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Would like advice cause I got some dude with 7 alts stalking me and trying to make the entire server think I’m not even capable of ++ dungeons

Lots of people on Wow forums of all places that think they are so special that someone is going out of their way to stalk them.

Yes, unfortunately this happens in other games too. But thankfully, and unlike those other games, Wow has some moderation in regards to player harassment.

Personally I have had instances where my characters were stalked to the ends of the earth. Sadly we can’t stop them from looking us up or following you around the city, but please do block them in the game.

When a person says something once and you block them, and they don’t message you again, great. But if/when they message you again from an alt and otherwise bypass the block, that is considered ongoing harassment and that is 100% punishable by Blizz. They take these cases very seriously and I would highly suggest taking advantage of this system. No shame of it! A GM helped me out when I most needed it and yes I got laughed at plenty by other people, but they don’t know your situation. Good luck :sparkles: :star2:

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uh… i highly doubt people are doing this that often to make it a problem. if you piss someone off by being rude then i guess someone might get mad enough to alt jump and “spam” you… but as they do you can just put that person on ignore and go about your day… its really not hard.

  1. Ignore
  2. Report
  3. Do not respond

It must be in that order. Otherwise, Blizz won’t do anything about it.

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Put them on ignore and go about your merryway?

Most of them have very loose definitions of stalking too. Such as someone posting in the same few threads as you occasionally, or talking to them and referencing past events that both were in.

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I guess I’ll be the only one here but just skimmed through the replies. But…/who doesn’t even work. lmao. Hasn’t for years.

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Be a snarky, sarcastic witch right back. Any ounce of vitriol they try to use against you, use it right back and then some, all the while laughing at them.

The key is - disregard their efforts, and mock them for thinking that you even care a smidgen for them. Because their joy is in letting them get to you. So don’t let them. Mock them for the clowns that they are.

They’ll get bored and go away eventually.

I find that dismissing or even sarcastically agreeing with them pays

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The agreeing with them works too, aye.

Never had that happen in the 14 years ive been playing. People are stalking you for a reason, it does not happen out of the blue.

You’re leaving out some stuff, but what you said makes absolute sense and I endorse it

How about a discord server that’s been targeting me for my autism for 6 months

Who is this happening to? I’ve played this game for nearly 20 years and never felt stalked lol.

I’ve gotten some whispers from folks that were big mad about something but I can block them and if you ignore them they go away.

This Stinks of missing details. Why do you care if people know your online? Are you talking about spam or stalking that is VERY different. Are they whispering you because of your behavior?

If you’re legit being harassed turn them in and get them shut down. If you’re just paranoid that people are stalking you being online… They probably aren’t. /who has been broken for years and rarely works. And i don’t know anyone that uses the ingame friend function anymore. I’m sure a few do but it’s not some roving gang of mean players lol.

The social functions are fine. If you don’t want people to know you’re in game play one that’s offline.


I’m a roleplayer. You have no clue to how petty some people can get in the roleplay community lol.