I won't be queuing any more random BGs as Alliance

I get lots of in progress BGs, which shouldn’t be surprising. Alliance usually has a constant revolving door of people leaving, new people joining, seeing the game is a lost cause, leaving themselves, ect. I’ve had games where we didn’t even have a full team for the majority of the match.

You are ranged, so it’s easy to pump out a lot of damage while hiding behind everyone else. I have to deal with constant stuns, roots, fears, ect.

This doesn’t stop other rogues from pumping out tons of damage.

Yes, but they tend to be the ones fighting on roads and ignoring objectives.

This is my posting toon, I play arms and hpally ATM.

Not in my experience and in the winning BGs I’ve been in

Whether in progress or not, I do believe reflex records the amount of time you are in it, not the time of the bg itself. I wish there was an add-on like that one that states joined in progress instead of recording just the win or loss but I digress.

I think the point is, try to do things different from what you are used to or normally would do. A rogue fighting in mid is actually a problem more for the other team than his own. If you can keep a couple of enemies from getting to an objective or at least an important one from doing so, that’s a benefit for your team. That’s just one example.

Sometimes it’s fighting the big fights, shadowstepping behind the healer and going to town.

If you are the only one going south in AV, turn around. You aren’t going to do much good on your own.

Find the fight and help the team win, that secures objectives even if the fight isn’t on a flag etc.

Nope. I was in one for a minute before the end and reflex showed the actual length.

Ah well, then it’s impossible to know then. Needs to measure the players time for it to make the stats meaningful.

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You can usually tell by damage… on mine at least

Can’t assume low damage is the result of joining late though.

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That’s why I said on mine lol.

Keep in mind that sub keeps getting nerfed as well, which certainly isn’t helping my damage numbers.

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This is randoms we are talking about. Come on now

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True sub doesn’t do a lot of damage, kind of where sin needs to be!!!

Just glad with 2nd stats starting to get back to a decent point you don’t notice their damage as much.

You say this, but the queue is long on the other side.

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traitor yaji says

power of friendship???..LOLOLOLOLOLOL…

Yeah they thought they fixed it, but they overlooked one attack by one of the vehicles. The machine-gun blade “2” attack the glaives have.

Exactly. Not really sure what else to say. I know what’s right and wrong even if others pretend not to. Funny thing is, this brouhaha has been started by exactly the same thing I used to complain about this forum being so toxic. certain people can’t help themselves, I guess. Gotta start lying about someone to start some drama. And of course the trolls WILL pile on.

Wanted to add, in general. I play this game to have fun the way I like to have fun; and thankfully I’ve found some people who are the same and kinda like me enough to not stab me in the back over made-up shiit - sorry, blizz, made-up poop - in their own minds. And so I’m having fun. Maybe folks into not having good, normal fun and trying to scapegoat others on the forums should just get on Twit-er with the other bottom feeders. Leave the rest of us to playing a game and having a few laughs with folks of good intention.

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