I won't be queuing any more random BGs as Alliance

As least not until season 2 starts. I already have all the conquest items I need. In the past I would have continued to queue for fun, but it’s not fun PVPing as Alliance in BfA. Nearly every game I get into is an absolute slaughter, with Horde effortlessly farming us all game. I lose the majority of games I’m in, and have the Reflex stats to prove it. Sometimes I go DAYS without a single win. I’ve been playing since WOTLK, and this is the worst I’ve ever seen it. It’s simply not worth PVPing as Alliance. Faction changing this character for BfA was a mistake. :frowning_face:


Just join our community, we win and we got cake.


Our community is awesome! Fun people who don’t rage. Well, I admit I had a bit of a froth at that unholy DK with 9 lives, but folks were kind and forgave me. :partying_face:


everytime i merc it’s 50/50. if bfa wasn’t so lukewarm i would level an alliance character. :scream_cat:



Did you forget to link reflex or what


I tried but the forum won’t let me.

Put spaces or ‘ in front and after the link.


Still doesn’t work.

I play Alliance full time i can say we come up short more than our fair share but days without win bro? Even in the bracket where 110 destroy all without pity in premades it is not every BG, and can still squeeze some wins out usually. Say the worse of days we go 1-6 win ratio which is a good time take a break from BGs.


sorry pvp happened. have a merry safe space and see you next year(when season 2 begins)!


This is exactly me as far as instanced pvp my irl mates tricking me into switching to ally I will never forgive. I lost as horde in instanced pvp but it’s way way higher loss as ally.

But yes and especially now that we can get 370 gear from invasions. 355s are garbage bg rewards and super irrelevant. Plenty of easier quicker ways to gear up for ally.

Only do a random if you want quick pvp action with like an 80% chance of getting your bleep kicked.


https://imgur.com/a/8ANv7x2 works for me


In the absence of reflex, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that OP’s winrate is in the vicinity of 45%.

I’d also wager that a particular epic battleground which rhymes with schmalterac schmalley is an important culprit that’s preventing the rate from being closer to 50%.

OP, we quite often wait fifteen minutes or more to zone into a battleground. Many BGs themselves only last fifteen minutes. I’d say that your minuscule queue times coupled with the increased honor gained is trade-off enough for your slightly lower winrate averages.

If the grass really is greener, then join us red-side and see for yourself.


Nope, more like 30%. This is for every BG I’ve played since reaching level 120.

I do have 2 Horde 120s. I may end up playing them more, especially when the new season starts and conquest gear ilvls are raised.

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39.67% but yeah, that’s lower than I would’ve guessed.

Are you below honor level 30? What times of day do you generally play?

Honor level 48, and I mostly play in the evening.

Oof. Let me know when you’re queuing so I can cash in on that 60%.

I wonder if your experience is the exception or the rule.


Two things I’ve noticed, although it’s totally anecdotal. I seem to have a lot better luck with wins when I queue with war mode on, and it’s a lot better during the morning (server time).

It also seems to be really streaky. Sometimes we’ll win 2 of 3 for a couple of hours in a row, then lose every one for a couple of hours. I have had a couple of times where I’ve gone a day or two without a win, though. I’ve never played horde so IDK if the grass really is greener or not.

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what a load of crap. alliance have been dominating. i lose 80% of my bg’s. alliance need a nerf

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You are in fact winning 50-60% of your bgs.

You can actually just look at your profile, so does this mean horde need a nerf?

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