I wish Disney bought Activision

Honestly, that’s just silly if you are (not you) basing somebody’s morals and character from a movie they’ve disliked/liked or even watched. That will be like me catching somebody walking out the latest Die Hard flick and going like “You psycho! how dare you like that violent movie!” and incoming political references to guilt trip them as well character assassinations.

Those people only deserved to be ignored if they do that.


You mean like that fantastic Sci-Fi franchise they bought and ran it into the ground?

Unrelated but your comment made me think of this song.

The original mulan was much better and the beat Chinese version of her is from the 2012 rise of the warrior. This mulan tried so hard to steal from that but the white director never understood the nuances of Chinese culture and thus end up making it a big gaint turd.

If you gonna make a mystic bird the you have to make the whole thing mystic cgi power and all. Wire fu? You need better choreo , you had donny yen and jet li and failed to ultised them. There a reason why mystic power aren’t mix in with china own war period drama. It cheapens the action and consequences.

At the end of the movie i wish that was a jive talking Phoenix.

Song of the South, funny enough, was controversial for its positive portrayals of black people at the time and even won an Oscar for best original musical. Kinda ironic that it’s trapped in Disney’s vault forever now, isn’t it?


Yes, Disney has had ventures like Miramax (which didn’t come without controversy, either). But Disney has gotten more forceful about injecting politics into its mainline entertainment options (specifically ESPN) and I don’t want WoW to ever be ruled by that kind of thinking.

Jason Whitlock has a great article on Outkick this week outlining how ESPN keeps trying and failing to gin up interest in sports shows that are centered on PC/social justice issues. Given Disney’s economic track record, eventually we’re going to reach the point where the company either forces ESPN leadership to pull back from that kind of content, or admit that they’re taking an activist role as a company. Disney has been loath to do that up to this point because its most loyal customers are much further to the right, politically, than Disney is as a company but the continued failures at ESPN may be a signal that the company is growing more stubborn on the issue.

Either way, I don’t want WoW to be put in a similar position.


No sir. Activision rightfully avoided Disney. Everyone agrees with that.

How poetic. Like Arthas and Nerzhul!

Disney has a really long history of taking dark and disturbing (some flat out gruesome) stories and making them into kid’s movies.


They actually don’t outsource their support.

lol wut? Disney would just turn wow into a “live” action remake. Full of marysue characters.

No thanks

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But they’ve definitely reduced manpower, which drops its quality as well.

They haven’t had a reduction in force on their CS department since 2012.

And your point?

That the last CS cut was in 2012 and since then they’ve increased the size of their CS operations? Blizzard’s CS team is larger now than it ever was.

They fired over 800 people like half a year ago.


None of whom were CS employees. It was also over a year and a half ago, not half a year ago.

And their quality is poor.

Star Wars wasn’t actually Disney’s fault per se. That farce is all squarely on Kathleen Kennedy and her inability to plot out a single, cohesive plan for the franchise. What Star Wars needs is a Kevin Feige: a person who understands AND RESPECTS the source material and is capable of crafting a coherent vision across multiple films.

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Disney is overrated. Dont get me wrong. Im not a fan of Activision either, but Disney writing would ruin WoW. They would make Horde into the stereotypical bad guys, and Alliance into the goodie twoshoes who never do anything wrong.

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