I wish Disney bought Activision

Nah, Disney’s weird about their IPs, especially when it comes to violence. Square has tons of problems making the Kingdom Hearts games for this reason.

I would gladly roll an alliance character just so I can put that rodent in it’s gave.

That doesn’t mean Blizzard and Activision are the same company. Someone working on the WoW team can’t suddenly be moved to Call of Duty. They don’t work for Activision.

Activision Blizzard, Inc.

current value per share: 82.31
Apparently it is one company.

That’s the holding company.

If Disney was the boss, they will find a way. They would have us beat each other with foam swords while Sylvanas does a musical number.

I can’t suddenly be moved to a different division of my corporation and that still doesn’t mean our CEO/VP can just sell it off. That was your initial statement - that they can sell of shares or take back shares that don’t even exist!

Do you work for an entertainment company? People get put on different teams often. There’s a lot of movement based on which project needs what. If Activision and Blizzard were totally merged companies, you would be able to pull people from CoD and put them on WoW and vise versa. You also would see “Activision-Blizzard Presents” instead of “Blizzard Entertainment Presents” in their cinematics. Square-Enix? That’s a full complete merge of those companies. They present all their products with Square-Enix.

Disney can tell amazing stories but Disney’s dabbling in online games hasn’t been good even if it was years ago plus they’re money hungry.

They’d do everything in the power to squeeze profit out of the games owned by Activision/blizzard. They’d expand the cash shop exponentially and make things basically pay to win as people will pay absurd amounts of money for an advantage and at the end of the day if the game isn’t giving a minimum 10% increase in profit each year they’ll can it faster than you can blink.

Idk, im a druid, not an economist.

Back in the day if a boss bugged out, you’d submit a ticket and 15 mins later your talking to a GM and he resets the boss for you, RPs a bit, and asked how your day was.

Now you get a form letter reply 1-2 days later, and flagged to fill out a survey.

I feel things weren’t like this when Blizzard was it’s own master. I also feel that Activision caused things to reach it’s current state: Scaling, LFR, Systems, Systems, Systems, Catchup Mechanics, and Timegating to keep you subbed.

I fear that Disney would make this so much worse, add more cash shop buys, as well as go full snowflake.

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I agree Disney should stop doing Live Action adaptations of their classics. You will never top the original animated Mulan no matter how much money your pour into.

Disney needs to stick to their animation, it’s what they’re famous for and what they need to stick too.

Same with DC. Stop the lame Snyder movies and stick to your animated movies.

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You’re cute. Keep grasping. You’re wrong and you must work at a very small company to not understand how large corporations work. I will argue with this as much as someone saying the earth is flat.

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Disney has almost killed Star wars, Mulan was thankfully a huge flop, the MCU is shaping up to get super woke.

Disney also sold star wars rights to EA… They havent done much with it.

Well if you count legislation for your lootbox greed anyway.

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You’re just unwilling to let Blizzard take the fall for their own decisions. The GMs RPing and such stopped being encouraged because of complaints, believe it or not. The bigger the company got, the more they either expanded their support or they outsourced it and usually outsourced support isn’t that good, but it lowers costs. Blizzard has been owned by another company since the 90s. The Activision boogieman is just players being unwilling to accept that Blizzard just might not be as good as they used to be.

An additional note, I didn’t even watch the live action Mulan. When I learned they were cutting out all the musical beats and numbers, I signed off right away.

People who say “Make a Man out of You” is problematic or sexist are completely wrong. There has never been a more inspiring and empowering song in all of Disney animation.

And it hurts my skull people can’t see past the lyrics and see the message the song and scene is trying to portray of Mulan overcoming her obstacles and rising to the challenge.


They removed Mushu because Chinese audiences didn’t like it. Removed all the training montages and she was basically a super-powered warrior right off the bat. It was the movie solely made with China in mind

Sounds like I made a good choice in not watching it. Mulan has a special place in my heart as an animated film. Id rather remember it for what it was than the abomination Disney turned it into.

So Blizzard is owned by another company? If this was the point you were trying to make - that Blizzard could try to do their own thing? You could have done a better job! :smiley:

Even in my company I agree. Not pushing back against our parent company when we don’t agree with their decisions or ideas is poor. If it’s like my company, the higher ups also blame the parent company for their lack of innovation.

There’s also the hoopla that the areas were filmed in the “re-education” camp provinces.

My rebuttal to your wish is… Disney bought Star Wars and look at what they did to that property…