I wish Disney bought Activision

Cause lots of stuff. Get back to the core

Jaina would be a Disney Princess and Anduin would be a prince if this happened.


Disney is big corporate garbage… Just like Activision…

Other way around.

I work for a subdivision of a multinational and we have autonomy in our daily operations. Our President can’t just sell the company out from under the parent company’s nose.

The core of what? Blizz has been the same, the only bad launch that comes to mind and reforged. And diablo 3 maybe but that’s it’s own thing. I think blizz is fine, as she’ll of it former self yes but because the og members left. So a new company has been born

Disney Warcraft:
Anduin: “But wrathion, why did you leave?”

Wrathion: “I had to Anduin, my father left a dark legacy behind…”

Anduin: (Singing)"Oh the love of my dad, used to leeeeeeeeave me so glad, but he died on the brooooooken shore.

Wrathion: (Singing)"And the love of my dad, he used to beeeeeeeee so bad, then he died and was neeeeeeever more.

Anduin: (Singing) "I’m trying to live, and love, and learn…

Wrathion: (singing) "I’m trying to fight, and fly, and burn…

(sees their fathers in the shadowlands)

Both: (singing) " We’re togeeeeeeeether… foreeeeeever… togeeeeeether… foreeeeeeever… Once More!!!"

(Group hug)


That’s most corporations. They exist for one goal, make money.

And if cutting corners and diminishing quality makes you more money, that’s what they’ll do.

Corporations have learned they can rely on consumer loyalty alone to sell their products. Slap a logo on it and you’ll have people drop thousands to buy it.


No, but they can buy back their shares and separate. The separation would be from Activision-Blizzard, no Activision. Activision itself has no say in what Blizzard does.

There hasn’t been CS layoffs since 2012.

Grupo Bimbo should buy Activision.

They were merged and are one company. They cannot buy back their “shares” since they have no shares of their own. Just like my subdivision - we are autonomous, but nobody can buy shares of just the subsidiary I work for, they buy shares of the parent company.

why?? so we can have a new transgendered gnome trying to make it “big” with Taruen who is misunderstood??

Disney has gone completely left win woke… its why they are losing billions each year.

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They are not one company. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Educate us and post their share names from the NASDAQ please.

Mulan sucked. It was made for the chinese audiences and they westenered the hell out of it. First there is no witches in chinese myth, there are creatures that take human form that are considered bad spirits that need to be purfied.

What westerner called a witch would actually be a respected human in chinese culture.

Second they had a white woman design the ugly costume. The white woman in the behind the scene look said she did research by going to chinese musem and spent 4 weeks in china to and i quote “soak up the culture”.

Little know fact, china make a crap ton of period drama. Just hire someone from China to design the costume.

Yeah, keep disney as far away from blizz as possible.

The share names of Activision-Blizzard, the holding company?

This is a false narrative with no substantial evidence to back it up. Just because a bunch of angry people on Youtube told you “go woke, go broke” doesn’t mean the masses suddenly stopped giving Disney billions of dollars.

Normal people don’t care. Real life isn’t the internet.


Disney will find a way to include Disney characters in WoW. As interesting as it would be to have Mickey Mouse as the new Warchief, or Goofy lead the alliance. I rather activison be bought by some company that wants to listen to their fanbase and not just suck every penny from us.

So Blizzard doesn’t have their own shares. Thanks.