I wish Disney bought Activision

Gotta give a point to Avlela for this one.

Normally his troll post get everyone attacking him and outing him as a troll, but he got us all fighting each other this time.

A real agent of chaos.

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Sell out again?

Isn’t the vanilla team working on classic? Also didn’t that team leave because they felt satisfied with what they done? Even then vanilla team made mistakes. If anything try to get the peeps who worked on bs or wraith on the team if they want to work again

Cruella Deville and 101 DH gnomes

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Also the systems are subjective. That’s obvious of course but I know tons of people who actually enjoys a good system. Legion artifacts are a good example

I don’t think you understand how this works.

Activision and Blizzard are one in the same. Activision didn’t just buy Blizzard, they merged Blizzard into their company.

There is no selling Blizzard, unless you sell Activision as a whole. They’ve been merged since 2008 right before WotLK released.

There was once a magical time in azeroth, a legendary golden age where Blizzard was not a subsidiary of another company…

A lot of them went off to become indie producers and made some titles like WildStar, which failed ultimately but was a big step up in gameplay and had things like a focus on Z axis movement and Housing wow has yet to introduce.

Disney maintains a certain branding though. If they put Disney on Blizzard products, those products would have to meet Disney standards. Look what happened to Marvel vs Capcom after Disney bought Marvel. Or how they buried the X-Men in the comics and pushed Inhumans until they bought Fox. Overwatch would likely be okay, but Diablo would be dead in the water. Too dark for kids.


But you acting as if it would “fix” the game. Honestly I’m getting the vibe you prefer old wow vs new wow which is fine but it’s better to say your bias out right then just try and hide it

Hellgate London, Torchlight

That’s not true. They can sell off the MMO’s and Blizzard name rights to another company. Companies do sell off product lines.

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I’d like to play a light forged donald duck


Sora! We must defeat the burning legion with the power of the light!

They were doing quite well and quite a bit in the years between Henson’s death and Disney’s acquisition.

After Disney bought them, they did two movies, both of which were not good. I don’t care how well “The Muppets” did money-wise, it wasn’t a good movie.

Rogue One was an idea that was around before Disney acquired them. Disney just put the movie into it and made it better than it could have been without them. I give them credit for bankrolling the movie, nothing more.

Phantom Menace wasn’t great. It was mostly slow paced, but so was A New Hope if you watch it again. The first 45-60 minutes was mostly boring.

Clone Wars had some wonky dialogue that was a poor setup to things we knew needed to happen.

Revenge Of The Sith was a great movie, On par with ROTJ. Don’t kid yourself otherwise. I still rewatch that one.

Mostly because Pixar let’s them do what they want, but they produce quality stuff. If they started slipping, Disney would step in and you can guarantee that would go south fast, because it ALWAYS does.

Another property they leave alone. When it starts failing and Disney steps in, it’ll go bad.

When Disney actually has their HAND in something, it won’t stay “good” for very long. When they buy something and just bankroll it while letting them do what they want, it’s fine.

You only need to look at they way they handle all these properties in their parks to see the truth of it.

The Mandalorian was another “per-Disney” idea that got bankrolled by Disney, which is why it’s good.

“Post-Disney” ideas haven’t been up to snuff.

I wanna see Anduin do the Hot Dog Dance

Perhaps I should have rephrased that Blizzard can’t just walk up and sell themselves without Activisions permission and consent.

The post I replied too seems to imply Blizzard can just up and leave Activision, when they can’t.

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I say we players start a gofundme and buy out Blizzard.

Even if they did this, it would be that Activision was tired of financially supporting them. I just never see it happening. People are willing to pay for this game while simultaneously calling it a dog poop game - they are gonna ride this out into the sunset!

Because bfa was bad?

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Activision and Blizzard are not one and the same. They are two separate companies under one holding company called Activision-Blizzard. Blizzard and Activision maintain autonomy in day-to-day operations.

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