I wish Disney bought Activision

Or maybe some of us just find that Disney homogenizes everything to the point that it all looks the same? Maybe some of us disliked Disney well before their botched SW movies.


I have a degree in…well, it’s classified. Classified as useless.

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And? What’s your point. Wow still has great story’s, that’s all I’m saying

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Except the films were bad for everyone and degrading to women. Its basically saying just be woman like Ray and the galaxy hands you everything and you never have to struggle or change or develope as a person to learn any lessons and just is better because woman…theres great females like wonder woman and Ripley from aliens then…theres Ray…the most literal mary sue can do no wrong have no flaws perfect princes all powerful perversion of the lore of the force ever…theres 1001 reasons to hate the films and not just if a fan.

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If it doesn’t defend itself from the iron rule oligarchy you end up with some mix crony capitalism, corporatism, and monopoly state capitalism.

Which isn’t really a failure of capitalism, it’s a failure to maintain it.


Who would want lots of lightsaber fights in a Star Wars movie? Nah I’d rather opt for some garbage force connection between two characters that have no personality that pales in comparison to the plot of Kotor 1

Cd projekt red

CD Projekt Red has good consumer policies, but they are infamous for treating their employees like garbage and crunching worse than most other companies.

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Let’s not forget they were so into themselves that they disregarded all extended universe stuff.


Remember when ray beat luke in a 1v1 lmfao


They eliminated EU, they didn’t just not use it they destroyed it.

Didn’t you say Disney doesn’t?

And really, whether a story is good or bad is all subjective.

If you want to see if a certain medium is successful or not, you have to look at the profits. Most of what Disney produces makes a lot of money. If Star Wars was a failure with Disney, they would not be investing in more TV series and potentially more movies down the road.

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Which was the stupidest thing they did. The Eu could’ve make some great movies. They had so much to work with but went and shot themselves in the foot

Going to press X to doubt. They have a habit of bandwagoning and letting their neckbeards defend them doing the exact some thing.

I would take the yuzhonvong over 7/8/9 any day

If Disney bought Blizzard…

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My biggest issue with the dismissal of the EU, is all Disney did was copy EU stories in a worse format.

The entire Sequel Trilogy is just a very bad retelling of The Dark Empire storyline that was original sequel to Starwars.

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No I didn’t say Disney, the other guy did. The reason I said anything was because of the wow comment. I think old Disney made amazing movies. New groove or any of the goof troop movies are my fav

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Exactly, that’s what hurts the most

@ Blizzard
Buy your stock back from Activision.
Hire the vanilla wow team back.
Hire the GM’s back that you fired when they had record profits because reasons.
Give them competitive wages and benefits.
Stop writing the Horde and Alliance as “uncomfortable allies”
Stop putting in new “Systems” the community “just doesn’t understand or appreciate what were trying to create”
Stop resetting the game with each update. Keep older content relevant.
Never sell out again.