I wish Disney bought Activision

LOL imagine them making sylvanas into a Disney princess


You sound like you have a better understanding of the situation than I do. You get my vote.

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The Muppets weren’t really doing anything before Disney bought them.

I don’t think they ruined Star Wars. The prequels were not good. A lot of the changes that Lucas did to the original trilogy were not good.

Rogue One is awesome. Solo was good. I personally was ok with TFA and ROS. Hated TLJ. Mando was ok (thought the middle episodes were boring, but 1st couple and last couple were really good).

But ok, let’s say I agree with you on both.

That’s 2 things. Look at all the Pixar properties. Marvel is doing incredibly well.

To say they ruin properties is a real head scratcher.


I doubt if Disney bought Activision their movie writers would suddenly start writing video games. chances are they would just keep most of if not all the same staff.

And to those saying Disney ruined Star Wars - yes, the new movies are AWFUL.
But they also gave us The Mandalorian. So there’s that.


The prequels were good though, hating them is a meme.

Phantom menace is my favorite Star Wars movie hands down.

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Disney has always had bad stories and good merchandising. When 90% of their income comes after everyone’s seen the movie, I’m not letting them take WoW.

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While my degree in economics did nothing for getting me a job, it’s paying off in the forums. Money well spent! :crazy_face:


I’d rather Blizz be sold to Ubisoft than let Disney touch WoW.

True but Donald is a timeless classic.

Dude Capitalism isn’t to blame. It’s such a coup out answer. Other company’s make incredible stories and they are still part of capitalism

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And that’s fine you like the prequels. I didn’t. It’s very subjective. I’ll give you though that they made a lot of $. But based on $, the Disney Star Wars films, cartoons, merchandise, tv series have done very well with the exception of Solo (which I still say is due to crappy TLJ).

Not really. “Public Corporation” isn’t even a real term in the context we’re using it here.

That sounds like something someone who understands Corporations are lowering their quality of life but are scared to admit privatization and capitalism are at the root of that issue.

But I don’t think this is the right thread for a economic debate.


Ubisoft is worse. Just leave wow as it is, if anything have cd projekt red help with the writing

Right, cause WoW stories have been awesome.


It does, check out the wow chronicles. Or any of wraith.

Star Wars was ruined before Disney. The Mandalorian was very good. They’re doing ok with Star Wars. The Obi Wan series should be good too.


Check out the Marvel movies.

Let us all admit that one of the major reasons we would all want Disney to buy Activision or Blizzard for that matter is we all want a Blizzard game themed amusement park.


The prequels were just that… prequels to an existing story. The new movies came in with this attitude like oh we are going to rewrite the book on Star Wars and then they literally copy pasted 2 movies and stole garbage from the EU they destroyed to patchwerk together a final movie that sort of made sense.

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She’d start as a dark but child-friendly villain but then they’d go and do her backstory because they literally have no original ideas and she’d be totally sympathetic.

People make “incredible stories”, not companies or economic systems. People have made art for as long as people have existed.

Similarly, people made your iPhone and your PC and your smart watch, not capitalism.