I wish Disney bought Activision

Betcha ol’ Bobby has a place on Epstein island.


Why not? If they improve, you get all the credit. If not, you get fired, take your golden parachute, blame it on corporate politics, and get another multi-million dollar position with another company.

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That falls into the man child category as well.

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lol, yeh, agreed. Disney games are REALLY bad.


Great story telling yes.

TERRIBLE record of games related to their IP’s

The Muppets and Star Wars come to mind…


Oh god no. They are the worst, hey let’s repeat the same thing over and over. And why not let’s have Pixar do the good movies. Team red is a way better company for story telling that can actually be mature

Disney after buying Star Wars trying to decide what company to go with…

“Hmmmm cd projekt red … Bethesda… Blizzard… BioWare… let’s go with EA they make sports games”

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How in the world does someone think, “I know, we will call that person a neckbeard!” I really don’t see any connection. That’s millennials for ya!


Giant corporations are all evil, even if they sometimes produce gold.

Watch Owl House. It’s great.

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Star Wars.

Other than maleficent and the first frozen it’s been a long list of poorly executed raids on their film vaults remaking movies that are worse than the originals.


This is why capitalism is good initially for art but inevitably destroys it under its own rules.

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I agree! This would be cool :smiley:

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Well often the people making those videos are hefty guys with neckbeards that also happen to be gamers.

So I just figured neckbeard was the nicest thing to call them.

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Not just ruined, Disney hasn’t written a good movie in years. Everything is the same, day in and day out. Pixar makes the good movies


WoW does a better than average job of telling a story. I would have said incredible but Legion and BfA happened where the lore has huge gaping holes in it that have really taken away from the story because it should have happened like this.

Disney would absolutely wreck it. They would neuter it so hard and fast and everything and everyone would get happy endings and stuff.

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It’s like a nerd calling another nerd a geek.


I got to “incredible stories” and you lost me…maybe past disney but now? Have you not heard the PR nitemare they are in over Mulan and God only knows if Star Wars will even regain its fandom…its writing was so bad a child could do it and probly did…no just no…


Seriously I think wow does a fine job of story telling. I don’t expect them to get it right every time. Bfa sucked but god guess we should forget about the other stuff they worked on


More specifically, it due to the inherent faults of public corporations. Private companies don’t tend to have the same problems, so I don’t agree that the problem is with capitalism.

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