Andromeda was great, it was assassinated by people complaining about some chicks face being altered. Jedi fallen order was a great platformer/assassins creed clone but it was not a Star Wars game.
I’m a Jedi, let me climb everything…
Andromeda was great, it was assassinated by people complaining about some chicks face being altered. Jedi fallen order was a great platformer/assassins creed clone but it was not a Star Wars game.
I’m a Jedi, let me climb everything…
No, Andromeda was not great, it was bad. It was really, really bad.
Looks over at the Star Wars sequel trilogy
Turns and looks at the Mulan remake
Yeah, they make some good movies, but they’re not infallible.
Subjective, just like your opinion of fallen order and mine. Looks like we came to an impasse.
Indeed Subjective but Jedi Fallen Order killed Andromeda both in sales and reviews so…
Reviews mean nothing to me, legion was praised as one of the best expansions ever and I thought it was absolute dog****
Start to finish
Cool beans but as you said, your views are subjective. That’s where aggregates come in handy.
Either way, I spend most of my time playing Jedi Knight Jedi academy mods, and as a lifetime Star Wars fan I can honestly say when I found the work bench in fallen order and changed my saber to double bladed I turned the game off. I was super disappointed in the games limitations… why can’t I have a modern day game with directional saber combat?
I don’t know but it was still leagues better then Andromeda, sorry.
The sequel trilogy to star wars would like a word with you.
Agree to disagree, I totally agree it was more well optimized but overall I just think the games are too different to compare in any fair way other than sales as you said and mass effect isn’t even remotely as popular as Star Wars.
another bad take
I dont know if andromeda was bad for me it was more like meh and didnt live up to the trilogy
Cool beans, it was still better.
and the old trilogy where they retcon some things
and called it disney cannon lol
Lmfao to each their own, maybe one day I’ll go back and play it. Or a legitimate saber combat game will come out.
EA is at least starting to change their tune. I remember “People don’t want Single player and campaigns EA” who pissed everybody off, turning into “Star Wars: Fallen Order and Battlefront 2 campaign EA” who shows that they DO have the potential to make a good Star Wars game with a great story without relying on Multiplayer and micro transactions.
Disney didn’t buy star wars to tell a great story. They bought it to milk the IP because star wars fans will literally watch any thing with the name on it. (Well I will).
Heck I watched all the movies at release. They were ok and fairly expected.
The mandalorian though is good storytelling.
Battlefront managed to screw the pooch so bad that many games don’t even have loot boxes because of them.
Even though Lucas put Kennedy in charge at any time Disney could have made her step down. we’ll see if the future sequels will win back fans.
Soo… BFA faction war story then. Evil witch queen and her minions burning Teldrassil was such a Disney thing.